The floods of Gilgamesh and Genesis were similar because both had the intention of extermination and both shared the same type of passengers on the boat, but differed in the sense of where the boats landed after the flood. The floods of Gilgamesh and Genesis were both intended to exterminate the human population. In the Gilgamesh flood the gods wanted to remove mankind over a quick, irrational decision, “The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reasons of the Babel” (Gilgamesh 12). In other words, the gods wanted to rid the earth of mankind because they were too noisy. In the flood of Genesis, God wanted to remove the population because of how evil and wicked they had become. “It repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart” (Gen 6:6). Although the reasoning behind the Genesis flooding is more reasonable, both wanted to rid mankind. Another similarity between the two floods was the passengers on the boats with Utnapishtim and Noah. In the flood of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim was told to bring along his family members and all species of animals. In the flood of Genesis, Noah was also told to put his family and all species of animals aboard the boat.
A difference between the two floods was where the boats landed after they were over. In the Genesis account, the boat landed on Mountain Ararat. In the flood of Gilgamesh the boat landed on Mountain Nisir. Although both boats did not land on the same