German 59 Essay examples

Submitted By chanelleeeg
Words: 437
Pages: 2

German 59 Final
Genocide- “killing of race” Armenian and herero annihilation. Coined by Lempkin in 1944
Endosung der Judenfrage: Final solution to the Jewish problem, euphemism
Origins of anti-semitism * Religious: belief that Jews killed Christ and therefore are collectively guilty * Economic: Jews control the banks, hold “host nation” captive * Political: Jews are foreigners and not citizens * Racial: Mid 19th century, Jews are considered degenerate and inferior * Linguistic: Spoke a different language, Yiddish, aren’t assimilated and look differently * Other: perform ritual murders, eternally condemned to walk the earth and cannot be saved * Eternal Jew * “Objective”- supposed to expose a hidden truth * Creates a dichotomy between us and them. * Conspiracy theory * Nazi fear of race danger: Even though they are weaker and inferior, they are still strong enough to destroy them or worse, pass as Germans * View Jews as parasitical * Defined the Jews as people who come from Africa- “niggerized” * Jewish home life- uncivilized, filthy, neglected= flies are everywhere * Rats are cowardly, sneaky, cruel and travel in hordes of groups * Take part in shameful activities- only care about money, do business in the synagogue * Slaughtering animals is a part of their tradition- more natural. Jews have no love or respect for animals * At the end of the film, creates a sense of nationalism. Pictures of the pure Aryan race. Becomes their duty to keep their country thriving * Concentration Camps (KZ= Konzentrationslager) * Pale of Settlement: established territory for Russian Jews and included a little more than 4 million Jews in total. ( even though this territory only made 4% of Russia) Many of the Jews were discriminated against--- had to pay double the tax, forbidden to lease hand and couldn’t receive a higher