Genetic Disorder Power Point Rubric
Powerpoint Format (maximum 35 points)
Excellent (5)
Good (4-3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
Contain at least 10 slides including title page and references
Contains 8 – 9 slides
Contains 7 slides
Contains 6 or less slides
(ex. karyotype, chromosome, Punnett squares, images of affected person, etc.)
Presentation is rich with graphics that make the material easier to understand. All graphics relate to the topic and have a source citation
All graphics are related to the topic. A few more would have better. Citations are included.
Not enough graphics overall. Source citations are incomplete or missing.
Graphics are to few or are not helpful. Graphics do not relate to the topic and/or do not have citations.
Overall design of project is consistent. Type size, font style, colors and graphics are used well and consistent. Differences are intentional with meaning.
Overall design of project is fairly consistent. Type size, font style, colors and graphics only have some variation.
Overall design of project is inconsistent with to much variation in type size, font style, colors and graphics.
Overall design of project is inconsistent with to much variation. Inappropriate colors and font creating difficulty in legibility. Text does not fit or words are cut off.
Little or no grammatical and/or spelling errors, text in author’s own words. Scientific terms are defined and/or explained.
Few grammatical and/or spelling errors, most of text in author’s own words. Scientific terms are defined and/or explained.
Several grammatical and/or spelling errors, text not in author’s own words. Scientific terms are defined and/or explained.
Many grammatical and/or spelling errors, text in author’s own words. Scientific terms are NOT defined and/or explained.
Project Research (maximum 65 points)
Excellent (5)
Good (4-3)
Fair (2-1)
Poor (0)
Disorder Description
Completely described including general description of disease/ disorder. Occurance in the population and, if applicable, occurance more in one group than another described.
Mostly described but missing a few elements.
Somewhat described but missing several elements.
No general description and discussion of occurance.