Gen 125 Essay

Submitted By chealsy0712
Words: 616
Pages: 3

What did each section deal with?
Give a topic that would catch by coming up with something unexpected eliminate unusual things to catch your audience attention. Throughout the entire time you want to try using interesting things. When it comes to delivering make sure you try and practice as much possible to avoid distractions from the audience. It’s great to make sure you try to keep everyone gazed in on what you’re presenting. And last but not least if you know you’re getting good at it will come natural. Avoid info overload it’s okay to have a seance of humor every now and then try not to do it continuously. Picking powerful drop it helps the audience memorize what you’re saying during and after. Speaking the language try not has the audience feel isolated. Using a certain vocabulary words that are exclusive try to make them understand It better. Have simple slide show and try not to rely on it too much. What only matters if the audience gained enough information from you and was it beneficial.What questions did you ask yourself as you were reading?
How long should have my presentain? What would be a great place to have a audience.?
How can you change your note taking skills for the future?
What would you do to retain this information for later use?
How might the SQ3R method help you improve your reading comprehension and retention skills?

SQ3R Worksheet

Selected reading: Name your selected reading and page numbers here
Chapter 7 pg 217
Survey Describe the value of surveying the reading.

The survey gives you an idea what the reading mostly about. I can tell by me looking at the pictures, titles, glancing over some of the words it’s about Social groups. It helps keep me on the right track what the reading is about.

Question What questions did you ask as you were reading?

I first asked myself what the passage was going to be about taking information from my survey response. I wrote my responses down to help me come up with what I really thought were important and what I really wanted to know as I start reading. One of my questions was “How important is social skills?”

Read How did surveying and questioning help you read better?

I had a head start already with using the surveying and questioning. It