In F. Scott Fitgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby the eyes of Dr. T.J Eckelburg resonate the depravity culminated through America’s new moral wasteland. Throught the novel, the nondescripint eyes’ symbolization transcends from the obsession over the culture of materialism to a society void of traditional spirtulaity.Likewise The degrading dull potryal of the Billboard reflects the melancholy atmosphere combined with the economic disparity in the Valley of the Ashes. Ironically the advertaiment is assocated with better sight and recogniztion but, “many paintless days”, of this sign indicate that the billboard is ignored, reflecting the wretched lives of the inhabits of the city. While the wealthy like Tom exploit the poor and become increasingly careless, his actions stand as a testament to the growing debauchery and pompous lifestyle of the upper class. Neverthless Tom’s oblivious mindset is expressed in the “Brood[ing]” eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg which can see everything, but without the presence of a face they stand as just witness.The symbolic delineation of the color of the glasses
The color of the glasses is important as well. Eckleburg takes on the role of “God”/judgement in this novel, because a real God doesn’t factor into this society. But even this generation’s version of God looks through yellow, “old money”, spectacles, implying that even the holiest of people during the Roaring 20’s were still influenced by materialism and greed.
IThey may represent God staring down upon and judging American society as a moral wasteland, though the novel never makes this point explicitly. Instead, throughout the novel, Fitzgerald suggests that symbols only have meaning because characters instill them with meaning. The connection between the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg and God exists only in George Wilson’s grief-stricken mind. Overlooking this ash heap of the present are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, which change in meaning throughout the novel. In chapter two, they symbolize materialism and advertising gone mad, showing how corrupt the American Dream and American idealism have become. However, later in the novel his eyes are compared to those of God – changing their meaning to a more spiritual one – symbolizing how American spirituality has been corrupted by our quest for wealth and material possessions v hey are, as George Wilson says, the eyes of God. The faceless eyes hover over all that goes on in the book — a book decidedly