BAPATLA ENGINEERING COLLEGE :: BAPATLA DEPARTMENT OF ECE GATE – 2010 MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERFACING Faculty: Sri A.M.V.N.Maruthi 1) The width of address bus and data bus in 8085 are respectively… a) 16,8 b)8,16 c) 8,8 d) 16,16 2) The number of status flags in 8085 are a) 5 b) 6 c)9 d)8 3) The status that cannot be operated by direct instructions is a) Cy b) Z c) P d) AC 4) The number of software interrupts in 8085 is… a) 5 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 5) Identify the non maskabe interrupt in the following a) RST4.5 b) RST5.5 c) RST6.5 d) RST 7.5 6) If the …show more content… MVI H, 01FFH SHLD 2050H After execution the contents of memory loction 2050H,2051H and registers H,L will be respectively… a)00H,01H,FFH,FFH b)FFH,01H,FFH,01H c) FFH,01H,01H,FFH d)01H,FFH,FFH,FFH 36) Consider the following set of 8085 instruction. MVI A,82H ORA A JP DSPLY XRA A DSPLY:OUT PORT1 HLT. The output at PORT1 is a)00h b)FFH c)92H d)11H 37) After the execution of following instructions, contents of PC and HL are… LXI H, 30A0 DAD H PCHL a) PC=2715H HL=30A0H b) PC=30A0H, HL=2715H c) PC-6140H, HL=6140H d) PC=6140H, HL=2715H 38)If the following program starts at 0100H, the contents of accumulator when PC reaches 0109H… LXI SP, 00FFH LXI H, 0107H MVI A, 20H SUB M a)20H b)02H c)00H d)FFH 39) Let the contents of B register and accumulator are 49h and 3AH respectively. The contents of accumulator, status of carry flag and sign flag are..