MGMT 497 – Case Studies EXAM GAP – 1. What are the key elements of the company’s strategy? Is it working? a. Redesigned websites and established online presence for all Gap Brands (Gap, Old Navy, BannaRep, piperlime, Atheleta) to allow customers to shop for all brands in one cart for greater functionality and more convenient shopping experience. This e-commerce platform utilized service innovation as its key strategy. Became known as one of the best e-commerce sites in retail (pg. 164) b. Expand to new markets internationally in Asia, the middle east, and Europe (Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, South Korea, Greece, Russia...) (pg. 166) c. Reduce outstanding debt and consistently increase dividend payments to shareholders for 168) d. Human Resource Management – ranked one of the worlds most ethical companies, 100 best corporate citizens known to improve factory conditions and standards for suppliers, invest in various communities and charities, and develop diversity and enrichment programs for employees. Established fair wages and work in a safe and healthy environment (pg. 168) e. Finance –May 2010 gap saw a 2% increase in sales from the previous month and an overall 5% from the previous year in the BR North America, Old navy and international store all saw gains (pg. 172). f. Marketing & Sales – Gaps has allocated resources to store design, customer service and marketing. Focus on marketing with magazines newspapers and television. They have promoted concerts and other events to boost their image. Marketing is strength as they have implemented this new focus since 2009. Sales has become a bigger focus as of 2010 but with economic recession continuing sales conditions are resulting in slow gains and performance. Though positive outlooks are projected ahead as gap has taken measures since the last turnaround strategy focusing on corporate and operational measures to help succeed and better business. (C-168) g. Operations Management –New management brought new ideas to work processes and decision making. In 2007 with new management came a new outlook to bring appeal and expansion back to the company. The turnaround strategy of 2007