Artificial Intelligence
Teresa Gale Gaines
December 15, 2014
Sutap Chatterjee
Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) mimics human thought process and responses, such as the capability to reason and acquire information. AIs ultimate goal is to create an AI that can simulate human intellect. The development of AI and the varied approaches to giving machines the ability to make choices and reason like a human being are growing rapidly as technology grows.
Categories of AI AI multiplies the promptness and dependability of making decisions, problem solving, and resolve complex topics that cannot be answered by modern day computers. While there are countless types of Artificial Intelligence; the five that are people are most familiar with are expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, intelligent agents, and virtual reality (Baltzan, 2013).
Expert Systems
Expert systems are electronic advice-giving platforms that reproduce the intellectual processes of specialists in deciphering challenging questions (Baltzan, 2013). Characteristically, they consist of a databases covering various gathered experience and a set of standards for using the database to most used type of AI in the business field since they fill in where human specialists are hard to locate or retain or cost too much.
The expert system contains of two key modules: information based and interpretation engine. Information based consists of the domain knowledge which is used by the interpretation engine to draw conclusions.
The interpretation engine is the nonspecific controller that applies the self-evident knowledge to the task specific information to reach the conclusion. When an end-user gives the details or pertinent data of inquiry to the expert system he gets information or know-how in reply.
Expert systems are high performers, performing at the level of a human specialist. The steps of expert systems should be understandable and have the ability to explain the thought process. It must verify the answer in the same manner that a human specialist describes how he reached at a particular assumption.
Neural Networks
A neural network is a class of AI that tries to process information the way a human brain does. Neural networks examine enormous amounts of data to create outlines and features in situations where the reason or rules are unidentified (Alexander, 2014). Some features consist of: acquiring and changing to new conditions without help, immense parallel processing, functioning without all the facts, managing huge capacities of data with many dependent variables, and investigating varying relationships in data.
A genetic algorithm mimics the process of natural selection. Genetic algorithms are best matched to evaluation creating situations in which there are likely to be hundreds or thousands of answers; finding and evaluating answers with many outcomes, quicker and more comprehensively than a human.
Intelligent Agents
An intelligent agent is a program that collects data or executes other services without immediate attendance of a person or on a regular timetable. Characteristically, an agent program, uses parameters that the end-user has given, explores all or some of the Internet; collects data a person in interested in, and display this information on a periodic basis often called a bot. One of the instances of an intelligent agent is a shopping bot (Rouse, 2014). This bot is program that