BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care
Further Guidance on Unit 3 P2
Pass 2 – Outline how key legislation policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security influence health and social care delivery.
Treetops Nursing Home caters for many residents, with varying needs and disabilities. Some residents are almost independent, but not well enough to fully take care of themselves; other residents suffer from serious illnesses such as dementia, or are recovering from a stroke.
Complete the P2 / M1 template on Moodle. Your work must include the following information:
1. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Box 1 – The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Write an introduction to the HASAW Act 1974 – what is it, why was it introduced?
Give details of the employer’s responsibilities (cover at least 4 separate points) and the employee’s responsibilities (cover at least 2 separate points).
Box 2 – How does the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 influence the Health and Safety Policy?
Explain what the Health and Safety Policy is, who writes it and why.
Pick an example of what is in the Health and Safety Policy on Moodle. Explain why your example has been included in the policy – link this back to how it relates to the HASAW Act 1974 (i.e. which bit of the HASAW Act 1974 does it relate to?).
For your example above, explain what it means in practice for the care home (e.g. the policy states that ‘Each employee will be given such information, instruction and training as is necessary to enable the safe performance of work activities’, so this means that whenever a new employee starts work at Treetops, they will be given a talk on health and safety at Treetops (use the hand out on the HASAW Act 1974 that was completed in class to help you with this).
Box 3 - How does the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 influence the Fire Policy?
Explain what the Fire Policy is, who writes it and why.
Pick an example of what is in the Fire Policy on Moodle. Explain why your example has been included in the policy – link this back to how it relates to the HASAW Act 1974 (i.e. which bit of the HASAW Act 1974 does it relate to?).
For your example above, explain what it means in practice for the care home
M1 Box – How the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 promotes the safety of individuals at Treetops’
Explain how the law, policies and procedures keep people safe at Treetops - give specific examples to explain the accidents, incidents and illnesses that should be prevented if the policies and procedures are followed properly. Consider the consequences for Treetops Nursing Home if they did not adhere to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and associated policies and procedures.
2. The Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995
Box 1 – The Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995
Write an introduction to the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 – what are the main responsibilities for all businesses under this Act and why was it introduced?
Explain why the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 applies to Treetops Care Home.
Expand on the main responsibilities you have outlined. Give specific examples of what the main responsibilities mean in practice.
Box 2 – How does the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 influence the Food Safety Policy?
Explain what the Food Safety Policy is, who writes it and why.
Pick an example of what is in the Food Safety Policy for Care Homes on Moodle. Explain why your example has been included in the policy – link this back to how it relates to the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995
For your example above, explain what it means in practice for the care home
M1 box – How the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995promotes the safety of individuals at Treetops’
Explain how the law, policies and procedures keep people safe at Treetops - give specific examples to explain the accidents, incidents and illnesses