Functions of the Brain BIO120-1304B-02 Anatomy and Physiology Essentials Dawn Jenkins Colorado Tech University December 09, 2013
Hidden from view in its bony case, the brain was unapproachable by science for
centuries. The not so amazing presence of the human cerebrum gives a few wonderful insights.
This stowed away pink mass is barely what we hope to be the attendant of our remembrances
and understandings and the groundwork of our unique conduct! The four lobes of the brain along with the insula are the frontal, the parietal, the temporal,
the occipital and the cerebellum. This lobes and the insula all have a specific function. The
frontal lobe islocated in front of the central sulcus and structures the front part of every side of
the cerebralhemisphere. This lobe controls planning, reasoning, parts of speech and movement,
problem solving and emotions.
The parietal lobe is located behind the central sulcus which separates it from the frontal lobe.
This lobe controls pain and temperature, recognition of stimuli lie weight (pressure) and touch.
The temporal lobe is also separated from the frontal and parietal lobes. Lying below these lobes,
the temporal lobe controls functions such as perception and distinguish of hearing and memory.
The fourth lobe is the occipital lobe located at the back of the head. The occipital lobe
structures the back part of every cerebral side of the hemisphere and is differentiated from the
cerebellum. It controls color recognition and visual perception.
There are specific area of the cerebral cortex that perform specific functions. In spite of
the fact that capacities cover around areas, the cortex might be partitioned into tactile, affiliation,
and motor regions. Sumptuous areas located in a handful of lobes of the cerebrum differentiate
motivations withdraw show up from tangible receptors, processing sentiments or sensations.
The sensory area of the mind or somatosensory cortex is the side of the cerebrum that gains and
breaks down tangible driving forces from all parts of the body. Sensory areas in some
projections of the cerebrum translate driving forces that touch base from tactile receptors,
transforming sentiments or sensations. The sensory area is a range in the cerebrum that is
answerable for transforming sensory data, for example, smell, taste, touch, vision, and sound.
The posterior components of the occipital lobes affect vision (visual area), and the temporal
lobes contain the centers for aurally perceiving (auditory area). It is included in physical
sensation, developmental planning or arranging, understanding, and visual stimuli.
The motor areas of the cerebral cortex rest in the frontal lobes and has 2 main parts known as
areas 4 and 6. Area 4 is located near the back of the brain and sends signals to the spinal cord &
sends the signals to the spinal cord and associated neurons to carry out the authentic movements.
Area 6 is found lying at the front of the brain and decides which muscles to use or activate.
The brain is very important in the human body. Without a brain, the body would not be
able to survive. The brain is motor that keeps the body functioning. It tells the other organs what
to do. But if a part of your brain has been injured or damaged then whatever area it controls will
definitely have some type an effect on the body. For example, like a Traumatic Brain