Functional Areas of Business
Glenda E. Ortega
March 16, 2015
Prof. David Warren
Functional Areas of Business
Role of a Manager
The best way we can define management is the practice to coordinate and overlook the work of others so that organizational goals can be accomplished. Managers make sure that business success in their effective and efficient use of employees to make the business their more important reason. Managers cover different ways to influence an employee so they can achieve the organizational goal. They inspire, motivate and give that extra push to overcome the success. They handle conflicts, struggles and changes made in the organization. Managers engage their behavior by monitoring the subordinate performance, constructive and analytical feedback, guidance and support when appropriate, encourage individuals so they can set their own targets and goals, fostering employees and engage interaction one-on-one. The must respond to the basic knowledge of planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Robbins and Coulter, 2012). This basic knowledge of these four functions helps them manage and administrate the processes. Managers drive a company’s success according to their strategies. They use a strategic management process in which they plan, implement and evaluate. Is a basic six step process which they identify the company’s mission, goals and strategies. After that, analyze the external and internal environment. They formulate strategies, implement them and evaluate the results.
There are ways to describe the roles of a manager. They can be described in a vertical or horizontal perspective (Johnson & Staughton, 2009). In the horizontal perspective, there are three levels: High-level Managers, Mid-level Managers and First-line Managers. Each one of these levels have their responsibilities in each of the level they are assigned. For example, High-level managers control small groups of people or are in charge of a division in their companies. They set goals, strategies and policies to be implemented. The Mid-level managers are the ones responsible to implement the strategies and policies decided by the High-level Managers. And last we have the First-line Mangers which are in charge directly supervising the subordinates and they spend a significant time in the operation coordinating activities with the workers. As for the vertical perspective, is possible to describe the manager according to the function performed within the organization regardless their level (Starr, 2004). We have the Human Resource manager, accounting manager, Marketing manager, Operational managers and the General Managers as well. Each one of these has their functions and responsibilities in their departments or divisions as well. What we are saying is that managers have a constant pressure to meet business and client’s needs, often against a backdrop of constant dwindling resources (1992).
Functional Areas
Functional areas are the ones considered the basic operation of a company. We have the human resource department, accounting department, marketing department and the operations areas. Each one of these function are important and relevant to success of a company. Why? Because each department has a function and responsibility according to the management of the company. Each department has basic implementation to function. For example: the human resource department is in charge to reclute employees, basic train them and evaluate them. The accounting department has two subdivisions: receivables and payables. The account receivables department is in charge of collecting to all types of payments according to procedures established in how the services are going to be charged. The Marketing department is in charge of how the company is going to be promoted to succeed against their competitors. They use advertisement in bill boards, radio, newspapers and magazines. They use every way possible to be on