As a business owner I am sure you have great responsibility and from safety comfort and liability of your employees and families. As a smart business man I am sure that you understand that sometimes it takes money to make money. Although it is your duty to and responsibility to protect your employees from any dangers of potential hazards as there lives are irreplaceable and worth saving. It also makes great since to protect your assets as you have provided them with hours of training and business knowledge (Brannigan 2008). Proper installation and maintenance of a sprinkler system will practically pay for itself should a fire situation ever occur. One benefit of having a sprinkler system installed is its ability to contain the the fire to it place of origin, reducing the amount of property, cosmetic and structural damage your business alone, not to mention your employees would be exposed to in a potential fire situation. All this means keeping your cost of repairs down, allowing you to resume normal bluishness at an earlier time and keeping your workers employed and not putting their families in any hardship, financial or otherwise (Brannigan 2008). Installing a system will enhance the chances of the Fire Services and First Responders to contain the fire should it get amplified by itself or internal flammable agents. This will all reduce property damage and unnecessary loss of life to include those of the Emergency Services (Brannigan 2008). If you are concerned about water damage from a sprinkler system I assure you it is generally much less severe than the damage caused by water from fire hose lines or smoke