Essay on Friendship and Kids

Submitted By marioishere
Words: 513
Pages: 3


The particip The groups were assigned by students raising their hand to the group that they wanted to be part of. The interview was able to be conducted in any form that the student wanted, ranging from talking on phone to face to face interviews. The students had to ask the kids four questions, which were “What is a friend?”, “Who is your best friend? Tell me all about him/here.”, “How do you know he/she is your best friend?”, and “What do best friends do for you?”. When the participant answerthe categorizes. Once every students in each group read their answers and each answer was coded, the number of times each category came up was added up, then divided by the total number of sentences to obtain the percentage of times each category was presented.
The hypothesis of the experiment was that the type of friendship that kids have changes as their age grows. The experiment was done to show that kid’s thoughts on friendship changes as the kids grow up. In the age group of 3-5 years old, there were a total number of 47 sentences said by the 11 kids in the age group. The results showed that 46.8% of the sentences were reward-cost, 23.4% were normative, and 8.5% were empathetic. In the age group of 8-10 years old, there were a total number of 81 sentences said by the 14 kids in the age group. The results showed that 64% of the sentences were reward-cost, 25% were normative, and 11% were empathetic. In the age group of 13-15 years old, there were a total number of 92 sentences said by the 12 kids in the age group. The results showed that 26% of the sentences were reward-cost, 31.5% were normative, and 26.1% were empathetic. Refer to Figure 1: Percentage of Friendship Responses to see the results that were obtained from the experiment. From the results that were obtained from the experiment, it showed