French and Indian War Effects Essay

Words: 1042
Pages: 5

The French and Indian War had an almost innumerable number of effects on the political, economic and ideological relations between Britain and the American colonies. The war touched the entirety of America’s diverse population; from the Native Americans to the soldiers. Some were gladdened by the invigorated ties to England while others were enraged by the economic situation. There is no doubt that the war truly altered and revolutionized the American colonies. As a rule, the Native Americans are perhaps the most overlooked sector of the population of the colonies. This war completely varied their knowledge of their land and its value. “We know our lands have now become more valuable,” (Document B). No more would they be fooled by
Consequently, Britain’s debt did indeed lead to American taxation. At first, the taxes were minimal and did not really attract much attention. They were not liked, but they were abided by. As taxes mounted from various Prime Ministers such as Grenville, who attempted to boost his popularity by lowering British taxes and raising American ones, and “Champagne Charlie,” who attempted to tax Americans without much “squawking.” Men like Benjamin Franklin opposed the Stamp Act in particular. It raised the most rage out of all the taxes imposed. They demanded for it to be repealed (Document G). Continued taxation led to the cries of “No taxation without representation!” Though Americans strictly opposed these taxes, the did not wish to break from England. “…a firm loyalty to the Crown and faithful Adherence to the Government…will always be the wisest course for you and I to take,” stated Benjamin Franklin (Document G). Americans became more and more reckless in their opposition to the taxes. Countless individuals were tarred and feathered for their support or employment of these taxes. It even led to the Boston Harbor becoming a giant teapot during the Boston Tea Party, yet another protest geared towards the taxes. In October of 1765, the Pennsylvania journal proclaimed “Adieu Adieu to LIBERTY,” and “the TIMES are Dreadful, Doleful, Dismal, Dolorous and DOLLAR-LESS,” (Document H).