The boot shaped country known as Italy is made up of twenty regions. One of these regions happens to be Abruzzo/Abruzzi.
Abruzzi has a surface of 4,168 square miles, has a population of 1.3 million people and is on the east coast of the Italian peninsula. Abruzzi is on a mainly mountainous, wild land, considering that that takes up two-thirds of the region. There is four provinces that are in this region; L'Aquila, which is the capital of the region, Teramo, Chieto, and Pescara. Some of the mountains/mountain chains included in this region consist of: Gran Sasso, Monte Sirente,
Montagne del Morrone, Montagna dei Fiori, and Monte Velino, which is located in L'Aquila.
Abruzzi has two major rivers, the Aterno-Pescara which is the region's principal river, with the length of 145 km., and the Sangro, with the length of 117 km. Rivers and mountains are not the only thing that make up this region though, there is also quite a few lakes. Bomba, Sant'Angelo,
Barry, Largo di San Domenico, Campotosto, Pio, Scanno, and Talucchi are the lakes that make up Abruzzi. Being that Abruzzi is on the east coast, not only is it bordered by Marche, Latium and Molise, it is also bordered by the Adriatic sea. Because of this, there is quite a few popular beach resorts in Abruzzi, including Vasto, Silvi Marina, Alba Adriatica, and Martinsicuro.
The whole landscape of Abruzzi is a mosaic of over one thousand castles. Ruins of Roman towns are everywhere, as well as monasteries, Romanesque churches, and solitary hermitages up in the mountains. Some of these mysterious landmarks are Forte Spagnolo, which is a
Renaissance castle in L'Aquila, Fountain of 99 spouts, Santa Maria di Collemaggio, which is a large medieval church, a mountain top fortress known as Rocca Calascio, and Castello
Giada Colagrande and Floria Sigsmond are both famous people who came from the Abruzzo region, both born in Pescara. Giada was born in 1975 and was known for making/writing films and documentaries, and often starred in her own work. She studied in not only Italy, but also Switzerland and Australia. Some of her work that she is best known for is "The Woman
Dress,""Before It Had a Name," and "Open My Heart." Floria is a photographer and director that was born in 1965. She has directed many music videos for famous people, one being Marilyn
Manson. She was the director of a very well known movie called "The Runaways." Not only did she direct it, but she also wrote the screenplay.
In Abruzzo, there is many different dialects, which include: Sabine, which is common is
L’Aquila; Abruzzo Adriatic, which is common in Teramo, Pescara, and Chieti; and Abruzzo
Western which is also common in L’Aquila. To go with these different dialects, there is multiple accents, such as Teramano, Abruzzese orientale adriatico, and Abruzzese occidentale.
There is multiple dishes that the people of Abruzzo enjoy, the most famous/popular dish is known as maccheroni alla chitarra, which is created by pressing pasta through an instrument called chitara, creating long, thin, spaghetti like noodles. It’s usually served with tomato based sauce, flavored with peppers, pork, goose, or lamb. A common side dish served with this cuisine is bean and noodle soup. This soup is traditionally flavored with tomatoes, garlic, oil, and pepperoncini. Other popular foods are: pastuccia, a polenta stew with sausage, eggs, and cheese; and easter pizza, a rustic cake with cheese and pepper. Lamb is also a popular dish in Abruzzo.
Some lamb dishes are: arrosticini, a skewered lamb
operations were: a poor understanding of the marketplace, the issues and the cultural differences between two nations and two differing approaches to business and life. The major factor was ethnocentrism of the American leaders counterbalanced by French national insecurities. I have to suggest that the powerful and perhaps arrogant leadership style of Michael Eisner contributed to the problems. Even so, the problems were wider than that. Assuming that people would come from all over Europe as part…
French Châteaux / Churches Project Language: Français / Anglais We are taking a train ride into the Loire Valley where many French châteaux are found. Select a château or church of your choice. Research as much as you are able to of your château or church, then write the following information about it. Present it in a portfolio PowerPoint or a video, or one of the following below. Select one of the following and include it with your portfolio 1. make a travel poster advertising accommodations…
the case we read it looks like Disney’s theme parks in America and Japan has achieved the success Disney want but the situation is not a success yet for the French Disney theme park. This stumble for Disney goes back to many different reasons that contributed to the failed venture in Europe for Disney. Disney choice France to be the location for their theme park from nearly two-hundred potential sites in Europe. Disney was excited to venture in the European market and thought it going to be as lucrative…
Lisa Green Euro Disney After the success of Tokyo Disneyland, Disney decided to place a theme park in Europe. Two locations became targets, Barcelona and Paris. After much deliberation and governmental cooperation, Paris was chosen. However, Disney was bounded by the Republic of French to make sure Euro Disneyland was a French corporation and that it’s developed into a major international theme park that can create 30,000 jobs. The reasons for Disney choosing, as far as finance and market share…
Lulu Stevens HST 143 Dr. Quirk 10/26/14 The Path Between the Seas By: David Mccullough David McCullough’s The Path Between Seas was printed in New York City, New York in the year 1977. The events regarding the Panama Canal as discussed in David McCullough’s The Path Between Seas allowed an impressive assertion of American power--the likes of which had never before been displayed. In it’s rich history, this novel offers recollections of failure on France’s part, American strength…
first discovered on the eastside of the Mississippi River in the 17th century. They started out as 20-30 people. Then some of them were transported away to South Dakota. Late in the 17th century the Sioux was in a brutal war against the French. The French were trying to gain advantage of their home land the North American fur trade. Who just recently established the Hudson’s Bay Company. Food Sources The Sioux Indians food sources were mostly large meat. Also, they ate nut, fruit, and…
The True Scoundrels The French and Indian War was a major war that took place in 1756 and came to its end in 1763. It was a war of great wins and loses. It all started when the French could not be honorable and had to steal the British’s land that was just given to them by the Half-King. The British went to where the Half-King was located in order to try to obtain this piece of land called the Ohio River Valley. The Half-King was a very respected Indian ruler who was in charge of the Ohio River…
there, the location I went to has the bell and Asian décor throughout. The website didn’t give a great view of the restaurant. Mimi’s Café theme is a French base theme throughout the restaurant. The menu has a large selection of grilled option, cheese is offered without a large selection of items, and they also offer a wine selection. Wine is an important part of a French meal, the décor makes you feel as you are in a little French town. The décor has the tablecloths you see in French movies; some…
On April 25, 1915, a week after Anglo-French naval attacks on the Dardanelles end in dismal failure, the Allies launch a large-scale land invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula, the Turkish-controlled land mass bordering the northern side of the Dardanelles. In January 1915, two months after Turkey entered World War I on the side of the Central Powers, Russia appealed to Britain to defend it against attacks by the Ottoman army in the Caucasus. Lord Kitchener, Britain's secretary of state for war…
and beautiful hardware on the custom cabinets complete this most stunning kitchen. The perfect kitchen and open nook with French doors leading to the sun deck opens to a spacious and inviting family room with a second fireplace. Newly updated hardwoods sweep graciously though out the downstairs walkways and up the stunning bridal staircase. A main floor den accessed by a French door is the…