Freedom: Randle Mcmurphy Essay

Submitted By viaantoinette
Words: 1117
Pages: 5

McMucrphy’s Symbol of Freedom Freedom, what is freedom? Freedom is “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint,” and that is exactly what McMurphy did and or signified. McMurphy was not only a symbol of freedom, but he was also the meaning of it. McMurphy’s determination for freedom encouraged the other patients to be more carefree about living life. His strong character is what the others needed to make their stay in the ward worthwhile. McMurphy had somewhat of an unexplainable, but a unique personality throughout the book. He was that one you’d have a complex time comparing to anyone else. A man who was very blunt, but also someone who found laughter regardless of the situation he was in, and nevertheless, his endeavor for the freedom he’s always sought and for the individuals he spent time with in the psych ward. Shortly after reading the first pages of the book, I started to realize that the whole setting takes place in a psychotic ward. Then informed of that fact, I had expected for the patients already there and the incoming patients to be odd, unusual, strange, and basically just an act you don’t encounter too often. Randle, also known as McMurphy, certainly did not give off that vibe, which explains his quite dissimilar personality. Later on, I learned that he is mentally stable. The reasoning behind as to why he’s been admitted to the psych ward is because he acted as if he was insane and ill. McMurphy was well aware that was this the only way of being able to stay in a more adequate and suitable environment. With his unlimited want and need for freedom, he did just that with no complications. But will it always be that way for Randle since he is now in a greatly different community? When McMurphy first arrived at the ward directly from the prison work farm, he was full of laughter, and already gave the staff an uncomfortable feel. He then placed himself in a position where he is high, superior, and primarily the leader of all the rather clueless patients there, but it was of course in Randle’s best intentions. Soon enough, he was introduced to the unpleasant, bully and very much hostile head nurse, Nurse Ratched, who was never easy to converse with. With a character as daring as Randle McMurphy’s, he did not mind it at all. Randle would always be quick to push for some changes in the way that Nurse Ratched had run the ward and he would also simply question the mental institute’s program; he thinks that he and his peers deserve better treatment, in which they do. McMurphy would ask questions from why the music is being played so loud that the patients can barely hold a conversation with each other to why the toothpaste is not out in the open, but locked away in a cupboard. Nurse Ratched was always so stunned at times when Randle complained about some things because she’s never had a patient speak to her in the way the he did, she hated it. The patients were in fear of Ratched, but clearly, he was not, and he had no problem in standing up for freedom. Now, this is where McMurphy started to make a huge impact in the ward, and in the patients’ lives. In one of the very first ward meetings, Randle asks the nurse if the daily schedule can be changed due to the fact that the World Series Open is on and he would like to watch it, but Nurse Ratched said they needed to vote on it and majority wins; unfortunately, there was not enough hands. McMurphy tried to convince all the other patients, but they were too oblivious, and that didn’t stop him. He got to face Chief, who was his last hope—Chief is known to be deaf and mute, but with McMurphy’s patience in convincing Chief to raise his hand up, Nurse Ratched’s only choice was to change the schedule and allow them to watch the World Series Open. Randle also ran a card table and whoever won, got a cigarette, since they weren’t allowed to have that either.