Michelangelo, the legendary and distinguished artist in the Italian Renaissance, philosophically proclaimed that he lived “in sin, to kill myself I live; no longer my life my own, but sin's; my good is given to me by heaven, my evil by myself, by my free will, of which I am deprived” (Brainyquote.com). The constant battle of free will resonating inside Michelangelo’s head correlates within the troubled central characters in Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood and Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood. Daniel Plainview and Hazel Motes are ideal illustrations of a man overcome with many desires and motivations and burdened with their perceived absence of freedom. Throughout There Will Be Blood directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor, the overall existence of sanity is driven away by the vague and obscene hand of free will shown through the lack of affection towards others and the general aversion of faith to prove free will has the potential to either produce glorified holiness or a powerful depravation.
The general absence of affection towards others in There Will Be Blood and Wise Blood exemplifies the ability for man’s free will to be corrupted and generate evil. In the midst of a gory murder, the dying false prophet cries out for help and begins confessing his sins to which the ruthless Hazel Motes replies by saying “Two things I cant stand- a man that ain’t true and one that mocks what is. You shouldn’t ever have tampered with me if you didn’t want what you got” and then begins to examine “the front of the Essex to see if there had been any damage done to it. The bumper had a few splirts of blood on it but that was all.” (O’ Connor 207). Hazel Motes’ lack of heart towards others is overwhelmingly illuminated in his ballistic rage to take a man’s life and then be more concerned about his car than the emotions that come with murder. O’ Connor explicitly creates Motes as man constantly on the brink of insanity, and leaves his own free will around him to push himself off the cliff. The ability for humans to make their own decisions, for example Motes’ naïve murder of the prophet, only further highlights on the consistent failures that surround the human nature. In There Will Be Blood, Daniel Plainview’s alcoholic and forlorn rage eventually overflows on his deaf son H.W. and without thought proclaims “I don't even know who you are because you have none of me in you, you're someone else's. This anger, your maliciousness, backwards dealings with me. You're an orphan from a basket in the middle of the desert. And I took you for no other reason than I needed a sweet face to buy land. Did you get that?” Near the end of the film, the gradual demise of Daniel is rapidly sped up, as he now shows absolutely no affection towards the only person he has been able to keep in his life. Paul Thomas Anderson explodes the ruthlessness of Daniel Plainview by showing his consistency in corrupting his own free will and a character that never feels free from the burden of success. Plainview’s constant personal choice to aggressively pursue money and success leads to his fabricated view of H.W. as “competition” causing Daniel to further push himself into desolate solitude and eventually insanity. Anderson powerfully demonstrates the ability for humans to misuse our own free will leading to depression and misery. Throughout Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor and There Will Be Blood directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, Hazel Motes and Daniel Plainview’s overbearing lack of affection towards others exemplifies their horrific abuse of their own free will.
Faith and religion inside Wise Blood and There Will Be Blood is constantly detested and repulsed revealing the overall potential for free will to be tainted and cause destruction. Hazel Motes ruthlessly yearns for the expansion of his Godless ideas and horrifically rejects the principles behind Christianity: “I preach there
“Free Will and Free Wont: Motor activity in the brain precedes our awareness of the intention to move, so how is it that we perceive control?” By: Sukhvinder S. Obhi and Patrick Haggard PSYC 370.01 INTRODUCTION TO BIOPSYCHOLOGY Department of Psychology Fayetteville State University April 1, 2015 Are our lives predetermined from birth or are we able to control our actions and in the end our fate? That is one of the questions that researchers have been debating amongst themselves for decades. However…
views, God is claimed to be omniscient, thus in possession of perfect foreknowledge, and God is supposed to have granted humankind free will. As a result, a clear contradiction ensues; how can human beings possess free will when an infinite, omniscient God knows every action in the universe, both past and present? The answer is that the supposed exercise of humanity's free will is ultimately an illusion. Attempts to solve the apparent contradiction often involved attributing to God special properties…
Free Will The problem with free will is that if karma really exists then the subject of free will is in question. Free will is having the ability to make all decisions in your life and that you choose what to do. There are many different opinions about if free will is a real thing or is everything in your life predetermined by past events. Examples of these are determinism, libertarianism, and fatalism. Determinism as a whole is defined as believing that things that happen to you is directly…
to eat the forbidden fruit, so that they can sin. After succeeding in his quest, Satan finds out that not only does he himself not possess free- will, but that God’s plan the whole time was for man to fall so they may have eternal life in heaven. However, Christianity and free-will do not go hand-in-hand; so this question arises, how does Milton prove free-will exists? John Milton was born London on December 9, 1608, into a middle-class family. He was educated at St. Paul’s School, then at…
Free will has been a topic that has been widely discussed by many of the worlds greatest minds. Many different people have brought their theories regarding free will while other simply say that it is not possible to discover. For discussion sake we will lay a generalize belief of free will. We can say that free will describes how we are able to control our actions (Ingram). There are different criteria for free will that have been developed as well. They state that the person must of had the option…
Free will exist but it is limited. Compatibilist Free will does exist and every choice that we have at our disposal is proof of that. I will never deny that, however, it has a limit. Ultimately our paths have been written. The lessons we are supposed to learn will happen regardless of the path we take. With that said free will allows us to choose in sense weather we want to learn the hard way or the easy. Weather that knowledge that will open our minds and allow us to set back is there of not it…
From the beginning of time, thinkers have puzzled over the paradox of fate vs. free will, or predestination vs. free choice. In theological terms, this leads to the struggle between Calvinism and Arminianism. As we explore this paradox, we find that examining the fruit of each position reveals that the River of Life seems to flow between these two extremes, and that once again, truth involves a careful balance. At the heart of the controversies between Calvinism and Arminianism is the emphasis…
STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Vo1. 6, No. 3 Spring, 20 -- Reputation and Choice Reputation is the image people have of your standards of product -- your ethical and moral principles. Most people think that a good reputation is needed for success in any job; and it is therefore one of the most important personal assets you can acquire in your life. A bad reputation can result from one misdeed. A good reputation is a valued asset that requires time, effort, and discipline to develop and protect. A bad…
have a better life themselves not for the blacks to have a better life. Others wanted to keep slavery just for the family tree. (I can not think of a thesis here) The north also had opposing views on slavery. The north was free states and most wanted new states coming in to be free mainly in the west. The west was the white man’s 2nd chance for wealth and glory. If slaves came in and took work in the west, there went his chance. One main pro abolitionist was William Garrison, who stated that the…
Free at Last? Glenn Townes does a great job portraying what is happening in the American jail system regarding HIV/AIDS and how two role models, who are HIV positive and previously incarcerated, persevere the stigma and try to actively change the system in a positive way and spreading awareness. The article, Free At Last?, by Glenn Townes is not only inspiring but informative with real time facts about HIV, specifically in a prison environment. Townes writes about Waheedah Shabazz-El, Cathy Olufs…