Frankenstein and Robert Walton Essay

Submitted By NatalieWallace13
Words: 377
Pages: 2

The Quest for Companionship in Frankenstein
“In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. They keep the young out of mischief; they comfort and aid the old in their weakness, and they incite those in the prime of life to noble deeds” (Aristotle). Throughout the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, one of the most evident themes is the importance of friendship and the relationships of the characters. Friendship is very much the driving force behind the novel. It possesses each of the characters, though in a different manner for each. However, overall it is depicted that without friends, a man lacks an important part of life. Walton, the monster, and Frankenstein all seek a companion, whether to console with, to learn from, or to depend on though hardships. Without these companions, the characters are unable to function.
Robert Walton has very few close relations and therefor seeks a friend to abate his solitude. Walton’s loneliness is seen expressed in his letters to his sister Margaret Saville. He tells that although he is able to acquire a ship and a crew to set out on his quest for the knowledge he so desperately craves, he is unhappy as he lacks companionship. He feels isolated, as he is too sophisticated to find friendship with his shipmates, yet too uneducated to befriend someone of a higher stature. Walton desires the companionship of someone who he may sympathise with, who will share his opinions and aid him in his quest. However, he