Submitted By Jessica-Chen
Words: 564
Pages: 3

Review: Foundations Test #2

What defines a classical society? Similarities and differences between them? (article)
What is the definitions AND significance of the following?

Etruscans Latins
Republic Greeks- influence?
Patrician Legions
Plebeian Senate
Consuls Centuriate Assembly
Tribal Assembly Tribunes
Veto- Who had it? Praetors- How many?
Twelve Tables Citizenship- who had it?
Women? Times of emergency, who ruled?
“Real Power” Geography?
Punic Wars Hannibal? Scipio?
Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus? Civil War Period?
Shift from Republic to Empire? Describe Loyalty of soldier?
Julius Caesar Triumvirate
Crassus Pompey
Ides of March Octavian?
Augustus? Pax Romana?
Trade system? Basis? Succession to throne?
Gladiators? Entertainment?
Problems with Empire? Why the Fall-specifics? Diocletian?
Constantine? Huns? Germanic invasions?
Attila? Byzantine Empire
Romulus Augustulus? Virgil?
Roman Achievements? The major contribution to Western CIF.?
Dates of Republic/Empire/Byzantine Trajan?
Arch/Architecture? Infrastructure?
Greatest Roman Legacy?

Major accomplishments of each Empire? Mauryan
Chandragupta Maurya? Indian geography?
Invasions into India? Arthashastra
Ashoka Maurya? Kautilya?
Buddhism and Hinduism? Brahmin? Collapse?
Patriarchal/Matriarchal? Chandra Gupta?
White Huns? Tamil?
Trade patterns/partners? Guild?
Political stability? Dates/TL of each Empire?

1. A family of kings, called a ____________, would rule over China during the classical period.
2. The Great Wall of China was built during the rule of First Emperor ____________.
3. The most famous ruler of the Han dynasty was _____________.
4. Wu Ti set up a ____________ for all those who wished to take the entrance exam for the state bureaucracy.
5. The period 402-201 B.C.E., during which the Zhou Dynasty disintegrated, is termed the ____________.
6. During the Zhou Dynasty, ____________ traveled through many parts of China preaching his ideas of political virtue and good government.
7. Confucian doctrine was recorded in a book called the ____________.
8. During the Qin and Han periods, an alternative system of political thought called ____________ sprang up in China.
9. Daoism was elaborated in fifth century China by the author ____________.
10. Define the Chinese idea of Dao.

Qin Confucius Eunuchs
Shi Huangdi The Art of War Shang Yang
Mencius Analects filial piety
Empress Lu Wang Mang silk
Wudi Laozi Han accomplishments
Xiao Xiongnu oracle bones
Daoism Forbidden City
Han Warring States Liu Bang
