Essay about Forms of Government and the Human Condition

Submitted By parmkaur21
Words: 978
Pages: 4

Forms of Government and the Human Condition

Americans choose a republic in part on their opinions of human nature that republic is best form of government and it’s also best for human condition. I don’t certainly believe that I believe in Direct Democracy. In my opinion direct democracy is the most beneficial to the human condition and best form of government. Direct democracy is a form of democracy where people decide to vote on, policy plans directly; community is involved in making decisions and it gives people the freedom to know what is really happening for the country. Advantage is the citizen majority gains absolute rule & control over money,business,government and gain financial security for themselves first in priority. On the other side representative democracy in which people vote for the representatives who will then decide the policies plans. In direct democracy every eligible citizens participate equally directly by laws or through the elected representatives in creation of laws. Democracy’s creation of laws is for each citizen individual equal and free. Direct democracy is most beneficial party to the human condition, because either one person in monarchy holds the power, or power is held by a small number of individuals, as in an oligarchy. Most important way to define democracy is by equality, freedom, and freedom of laws. In democrat party everyone gets the equal right in the party to vote for the right person and give your opinion upon anything, everyone has the right to give their decision pass on the right thing to the party to do better things for the public and to make better society. Unlike in the Republican party where people vote and pick a representative to speak upon them and do things that they can do them selves in the democrat party. Every party has their pros and cons but you have to choose more pros then cons to become a better citizen and help the party make the country better and your everyday living better. Democrat party is trying to do the best they can to make everyone happy in the country but it takes time and effort we have to give some times for them to do things. Recently Obama has passed the law for the “Health Care” I think this is best thing for the society because there was so many low income people around the country who were living without a health care prohibition. People didn’t have money to go to doctors to get them selves checked up; so many people are dying of so many different health issues and by having some kind of health insurance will help them get better and take care of them selves better. When Mit Romney was going for the presidential he was talking about banning the abortion. Why should we take someone’s rights away from them? We should we make decisions for someone else? Banning abortion is one thing I’m against because nobody should be allowed to make anyone else’s decisions or pick or choose on anything. People can choose to have the baby or have an abortion that is what and we to tell them what to do not to do. I think US population would have been over whelmed if we didn’t have a abortion allowance, because there are so many reason why people do abortion it could be such as a rape, or teen mistake or just don’t want the baby yet. What would a women do if she got a raped and now she’s pregnant she would regret for the rest of her life that she had such big tantrum of her life and now she has to raise someone’s else’s baby who she doesn’t know or who she