For Colored Girls Essay

Submitted By thescottdaddy
Words: 705
Pages: 3

For Colored Girls This movie gave a very good view of family life. There were many families portrayed in this film. The social context was the family of black girls from teens to adults. They portrayed the difficulty of their lives and how hard it was to live in their families in their neighborhood. One of the women was abused by her drunk husband, another woman was raped by a man that she trusted and thought she was friends with. Another woman just liked to have sex with men for fun. A teenage girl gave up her virginity and got pregnant. All of theses different problems are things that many colored girls have to live with everyday. This gave a great portrayal of how it felt to be them and live in their shoes. All of the lives portrayed were tough lives to live, even Jo’s life even though she was successful and rich, she was not happy with her marriage. She realized later in the movie when the kids were killed that she didn’t care enough about other people or pay attention to their problems enough, she was too self-centered. Nyla was a good girl who was getting a scholarship to go to college and she was the only virgin in her class on the day they graduated. She then decided she wanted to have sex and got pregnant. Her mother was very religious and was very disappointed in Nyla and her sister Tanjee for having sex outside of marriage. Their mother was mostly disappointed because she was the same way at their age and didn’t want them to turn out like her. I realized that it is very tough to be black woman and how different their culture is from me, a white male. Their lives are very different even from each other. The film gave many different perspectives from a couple older single women, a couple younger single women, younger married women, and even a teenager. I think that this movie showed that it’s kind of expected for the younger generation girls to have sex in high school or at least before they are married. While the older generation did it too, it was more prevalent in the younger ones. It also showed that black men expect to be in charge of their women and that they almost completely control them. This was displayed with Yasmine who was raped, the man expected to have sex with her whether she wanted to or not. She was not willing to have sex with him yet so he raped her. Also with Bo and Crystal, he