It was a day just like any other. It was early morning, the skies were a dark gray, and the wind was cold. I was wrapped in my hand-me-down sweater as I entered the classroom that belonged to my history teacher, Mr.Seymour. Junior high was so long ago, and the details are foggy. I can’t even remember what section of the class we were in, but I can still recall the routine. First, we would do a warm-up and then we would read from the book. It was a very boring routine, but things were changed on this particular day. I hadn’t even begun to work on my warm-up when Mr.Seymour walked up to the middle of the classroom calling for attention. He had a hand full of papers that he gave to the student in front of him and ordered, “Take one and pass it around.” I skimmed the paper, but back then it was hard to understand exactly what it was. On one side it said Republican, and on the other it said Democrat. I skimmed the paper and noticed that there were a lot of old Caucasians in suits. It was typical that whenever it came to politics that an old white guy would be in the spotlight. However, it didn’t take me long to notice not just one, but two bizarre faces. One was a black man and the other a woman. Both were on the Democratic side. “These are the next Presidential candidates for the upcoming elections,” our teacher announced, “look these over and see what qualities you like about each candidate.” Immediately, I knew what half the class was thinking. My suspicions were confirmed in a matter of minutes when our teacher called out, “O.k. Who wants to go first?” My friend Corey in the back row raised his hand, “We haven’t had a black president yet have we?” “No,” My. Seymour answered him. “Then I think this Obama guy should be president,” Corey assured our teacher. Our teacher peered around, “Who agrees with Corey?” Hands flew up instantly like a flock of birds being scared by a house cat. Mr. Seymour paced towards
Is Beauty in the eye of the beholder? I don’t believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder for many reasons. Yes it is true that there are millions of people in the world each having their own taste or belief in what is exactly considered “beauty”, but I believe the media plays a huge role in what beauty is to each person. For example depending on what kind of music you listen to can play a huge role in the clothes you find flattering or the type of women you seek to find. Another example is in art…
agree with me that it is wrong for a variety of reasons. I believe one of the biggest reasons abortion is wrong is because it is selfish. Michael Snyder says that it has been proved that 86% of all abortions are done for the sake of convenience. On top of that, it was proven in 1987 that 92% of all teen abortions were done because they were concerned about how having a baby could change their life (Berlfein, Judy). Another reason it is wrong is because of the moral reason: the killing of human beings…
with someone, even if it stings a little when he says it. After a while of tedious arguing, some guys would stop giving feedback, as a way of shutting down. Women on the other hand, they keep it all bottled up until they have a chance to talk about it behind their guy’s backs, in which she pours out all of her emotions and confusion to her friends/family. Women often ask for advice instead of going forth with an original plan, as if they need approval before they send something that would “hurt their…
way pleases you most, within reason. This slightly differs from existentialism in the manner that you have to use reason in consideration to others with utilitarianism. With existentialism it is all about the individual/yourself, if it feels right to you and you see it to be right then it is right no creator or authority can tell you what is right. An easy way of separating the two would be to look at it this way; if you like to get drunk, then get drunk but within reason, don’t kill yourself or harm…
woof” the dog barks, does he know why he just did that? Did he truly comprehend why they just barked or was it for no reason at all. Even though animals feel emotions they cannot truly comprehend the true meaning of them. They cannot logically think to make intelligence backed actions. Animals do not deserve rights because they do not have the ability to reason and tell right from wrong. Some opposers might say that animals deserve rights and that they should be held at the same levels as humans. “Once…
ethics mean to me? Ethics in my point of view would be a logical understanding of right and wrong that sets out what people should do and should not do whether it be in fairness, virtues, obligations, or rights. I feel that it is necessary to continuously examine our standards to ensure that they are reasonable. Ethics should have a continuous effort within our own moral beliefs, to make us the better person all around. Some of the tools of critical thinking for ethics could be subject to relativism…
subjectivist’s view, Barcalow argues that to believe in moral subjectivism is to have no real moral beliefs at all. For example, if the subjectivist believes it is right to do X, but that is only true for them and for no one else, then the subjectivist’s belief has no authority beyond them. Since this belief holds no value anywhere else, it is internally contradictory to say it is a moral belief at all. Barcalow is also critical of the subjectivist’s view that moral beliefs are based on feelings. If this…
bringing to his attention certain reasons for why killing is wrong might deter his wrong doing. For one, an explanation of why killing is bad in today’s society may go along way for Dr. Lecter. No one in society likes to fear that someday they may be brutal harmed or killed by another human being. If Lecter had to in fact face the same fate that he has damned others with his mind set on violence against people may be different. One would imagine to him murder is not all the frightening when he himself…
central concept in Kant’s ethics and the groundwork to Metaphysics of Morals. It is based to the “supreme principle of morality” (4:392), from which all our moral duties come from. He believed that moral requirements were based on a standard of rationality and he named this the Categorical Imperative. By using the Universal Imperatives we use our reason (as long as it is not corrupted) to guide us in a path which is morally virtuous. He states that we should act according to the maxim by which you…
Hume The moral sense vs. Reason In Hume’s ethics he questions “Whether ’tis by means of our ideas or impressions we distinguish betwixt vice and virtue, and pronounce an action blame-able or praise-worthy?”(Hume) He is determined to discover if rationalism or sentimentalism is correct. Rationalism states that moral laws are laws of reason; therefore they compel us through our rational nature. Sentimentalism states that human beings are not self-interested, but that they are capable of benevolence…