Food Habits Assignment Essay examples

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Pages: 4

Marking Sheet for HSN 101 Food Habits Assignment Criteria | Poor (N) | Fair (P) | Good (C) | Very Good (D) | Excellent (HD) | Mark assigned | | 0-1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | | 1. Introduction (total 5 marks)Assignment explanation clear and accurateRelevant background information discussedDescription of aim accurate and appropriate | Additional comments | | 2. Questions to answers about the Food and Diet Questionnaire (Q1-6, total 52 marks)Questions answered appropriately according to instructionsDemonstrates understanding of causes of eating behaviours and their application | 0-25 | 26-31 | 32-36 | 37-41 | 42-52 | | | Additional comments | | 3. Questions to answers about the Food Frequency Questionnaire (Q7-11, total 28
Therefore I would be sure to always purchase organic, natural, and biodynamic foods. There would be more spent on fresh herbs and products I use to enhance cooking and flavours, such as cocoa powder and certain spices. Overall, the foods eaten would not differ greatly.

Question 7 asks you to rate the importance of many food and eating related behaviours. Pick two of the behaviours and explain why you answered the way you did. Select behaviours you rate as either ‘very important’ or ‘not important’. You should use references to show whether your belief was correct or not.
I do not consider avoiding saturated fat an important aspect

Explain reasons why people may choose a vegetarian diet. Question 9 asks you to rate the importance of various factors in deciding your choice of food when shopping. Pick two of the factors that you rated either ‘not important’ or ‘extremely important’. Please explain your answer.
Look at your answers to questions 11-19. Of the answers you have given, please explain which ONE has the most influence on your diet. For example, does your ethnicity determine the type of food you eat, or you living arrangements, or your age etc.? Please explain your answer.

Food Frequency Questionnaire
How well do you think the food frequency questionnaire captured your usual dietary intake over the past month? Please explain, giving specific food examples that support