First Aid
Setting priorities for managing a first aid situation and assessing the casualty
Situational analysis
To deal with the situation quickly you must:
Analysis the situation: Observe what has happened and ask what you can do
Plan how to deal with the situation: Prioritise your actions:
1. Get bystanders to get medical assistance
2. Minimise danger
3. Clear airways and restore breathing
4. Control breathing
5. Tend to other injuries
Be alert of other surrounds like car noises or an alarm
You need to approach the situation and remain alert to possible environmental hazards, you must not become a victim
For example: Trying the save a person drowning if they can’t swim
You can’t give first aid if you don’t have knowledge or common-sense
Priority assessment procedures
In an emergency situation, it is important to act quickly and calmly
The Royal Life Saving Society states ‘the first person at the scene is responsible for the initial support of the casualty’ The second person need to support the first person by contacting emergency services, protecting and interviewing bystanders and gathering first aid equipment before helping Procedures to follow during an emergency may include:
Requesting a mobile phone from bystanders
Contacting emergency services
Directing people to go for help
Instructing people on how to give two-operator cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Requesting assistance with bandaging, control bleeding or attaching slings and splints
Observing people who may be in shock
When contacting emergency services, this is the order:
Dial 000
State the type of accident
Clearly identify the location (house number, street, suburb)
Check danger to yourself, others and the patients
Danger of things such as:
Turning off the power at a light switch
Dragging an injured person from flames
Extinguishing flames or removing flammable liquids
Have to check the victims level of consciousness
Use the COWS
Can you hear me?
Open your eyes?
What’s your name?
Squeeze my hand
If there is a response place them in the recovery position:
1. Kneel down, place the nearest arm across their chest and extend the other arm out
2. Lift the nearest leg up so the foot is flat on the floor
3. Use both hand and roll the patient over, make sure the neck is supported
If the person is unconscious, try not and move the spine or neck to prevent further injury, though have to check air ways first
If there is no response, open the airway to make sure there is no blockage
Place one hand on the forehead and the index finger and thumb of the hand on the chin, and gently extending the neckline
The degree of the head tilt increases with age
Foreign materials are cleared out by inserting fingers carefully into the mouth
With the air way cleared, the rescuer can now look for any signs of life are if the victim is:
Conscious or not
Responsive or not
Moving or not
Breathing or not
If breathing commences:
Leave the patient where they are, keep the head tilted to keep the airway open
Reassure the patient
Send for medical assistance
The check for breath should take about 5-10 seconds
If breathing is not present CPR must begin, which is rescue breathing and chest compressions to stimulate blood flow To perform a rescue breath:
Kneel and tilt the head back
Place your thumb across the chin, and index finger underneath and lift the chin
Pinch the nostrils with the thumb and index finger
Place your mouth firmly making an airtight seal
Breathe there for one second
Turn head towards the patients stomach
If the rescue breaths generate signs of life (coughing, moving, breathing) place them in the recovery position
Only 2 rescue breaths
After the rescue breaths
Should be given at 100 per minute, 30 CHEST COMPRESSIONS 2 RESCUE BREATHS
Keeps the blood flowing so it is good to maintain rhythm
To perform breath compression: