Every organisation needs to know much about its financial standing to be able to take prudent and effective decision that will yield maximum results.
This report will explain stakeholders of Pz Cusson Ghana limited (Pz.) and their interest with a critical analysis of their financial statement taken into consideration their asset utilization and liquidity ratios bench marking and other relevant areas such as its business plan which will contain its swot analysis and its macro and micro factors. It will further take in to consideration the appraisal technique suitable for company 123 base on the various countries (U.S.A, France and Switzerland.) This will take into consider the Net present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the pay back method spelling out the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
1. Introduction 3
2. Stakeholders of Pz. 3-4
2.A.1) stakeholder matrix 4
2.A.2) communication with stakeholders 4-5
2.C) Component three 12
2.C.1) Net Present Value,Calculations,Advantages and Disadvantages 12-13
2.C.2)Internal Rate of Return, Calculations, Advantages and Disadvantages 13-15
2.C.3) Pay back ,Calculations, Advantages and Disadvantages 15-17
2.C.4) Recommendations 17
DATE : 01/06/2011
1.0 Introduction
Pz. operates in selected markets across the globe such as Asia, Africa and the Middle East
Pz. is into the production of fast moving consumer goods such as Detergents (washing and bathing) tooth paste, cocoa powder and seasonings.
Pz. is second in terms of market share in the Ghanaian market and competes in a perfectly competitive industry. They have best distribution system that makes its products available everywhere.
Pz. employs people
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