Finance: Motivation and Alfredo Essay

Submitted By lcblaze
Words: 405
Pages: 2

We had asked Alfredo what strategies he uses to motivate his employees. He answered, “Money. People love money.” Money is used as a motivator in almost every company but Alfredo talks about how he uses bonuses to keep his employees enthusiastic. He says, “We try to find instances where it’s a win win. If the employee saves the company money then the employee will be reimbursed for that, giving a percentage of the savings to the employee.” Our text book says, “A part of a manager’s job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishments of organizational goals.” This is exactly what Alfredo does at Aero-Zone. He talks about how he creates goal incentivized baselines, and how he encourages his employees to exceed these baselines which will ultimately make the company “better today than it was yesterday.” Our group agreed that using these baselines is one of the best ways to measure a company’s progress. Asking Alfredo, “what specific successful strategies Alfredo has employed to develop others?” He answered, “I believe in promoting the improvement of skills, whether it be through school or a trade program or even online tutorials to improve typing or operation through Office product.” Alfredo also talked about Aero-Zone creating a new tuition reimbursement program. We thought that these ideas were a great way to build a promotion worthy team of trusted employees. Dr. Segall talked about how employees will not destroy a company that they helped create. Aero-Zone is a smaller