What are the main characteristics Prophet Muhammad had in common with other known Prophets?
Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) was the last messenger that was sent from Allah amongst a line of other Prophets and Messengers. Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) had main characteristics that were in common with other Prophets (pbut). After a close look at these characteristics they have in common (pbut) one can conclude that they are truly sent from Allah and they were seeking His pleasure and nothing else.
First, Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) had sound intellect. He had knowledge of the Torah, Gospel and other Divine Scriptures. He was an example of paradigm in which a lot of people can relate to in branches of knowledge, law, lineage, acts of worship, and even medicine.
The Prophet and the other prophets (pbut) did everything for the sake of Allah and they all sought the pleasure of Allah. They were abused and rejected by their people but they never gave up and they endured it with patience. Abdullah ibn Masood said: “The Prophet (pbuh) resembled a prophet who was harmed by his people. He wiped the blood from him his face and said: ‘O God! Forgive my people, for they know not!” (Bukhari # 3290). Also, Jundub b. Sufyaan said that the Messenger’s finger bled during one of the battles, and he said: “You are but a finger which was bled; which suffers in the path of God.” (Bukhari 2648).
The Prophets were all sincere (pbut). They were all sincere and honest in their matters just how Allah ordered them (pbut). In the Quran the Exalted, says: "Say, Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for God, Lord of the worlds. No partner has He. And this I have been commanded and I am the first (among you) of the Muslims." [6:162-163].
The prophets (pbut) loved reformation and reconciliation. Even though they were mocked, betrayed, plotted against they still didn’t give up spreading the message. In addition if there was an issue they would jump to solve it and bring peace even after facing hardship. One time the Prophet (pbuh) heard that there was a quarrel between the people of Qubaa and he (pbuh) said “Let us go to resolve the situation and make peace between them.” (Bukhari 2547)
The Prophet Mohamed and other Prophets (pbut) worked to order the good and forbid the evil. If Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) saw someone doing something that is against the religion he would fix it in a suitable manner. For example, Abdullah b. Abbas said: The Messenger of God pbuh saw a man wearing a gold ring so he reached for it and removed it….He then said: “Would one of you seek a burning charcoal and place it on his hand?” The man was later told, after the Prophet (pbuh) left: “take your ring and make good use of it by selling it”. The man said: “No, by God! I will never take it after the Messenger of God (pbuh) cast it away.” (Muslim 2090).
The Prophets (pbut) were all good looking and had appealing appearance. One companion said: “The prophet (pbuh) was a person of average height. His shoulders were wide. His hair reached his earlobes. Once I saw him adorned in a red garment; I never saw anything more beautiful than him (Bukhari 2358). All the Prophets appeared really good and proportionate in silhouette. No of them were disabled, disproportionate, physically or mentally disabled. Had they been this way then the people wouldn’t follow them or trust what they say. The prophets (pbut) had ascetisim in worldly matters. They did not have any concerns for the pleasures of this life. Abdullah b. Masood said: “ The Messenger of God (pbuh) went to sleep on a mat. He stood up and he had marks on his side due to the mat he had slept on. We said “O Messenger of God, shall we not make (a proper) bedding for you?” He said “What do I have to do with this world? I am only like a wayfarer upon a mount that stopped to take shade and rest under a tree, and then leaves it behind and continues on the journey ” (Tirmidhi 2377). Also, Amr bin al