You REALLY can’t get any better! Mow with the BEST!
"I would recommend it 100%, its fun too" "I actually mowed my neighbors yard when
I finished mine because I just wasn't ready to quit"
C² ng Overview
●Market Overview
●Target Market
●IMC Objective
●Campaign Theme
●IMC Tools Plan
Market Overview
●Lawn mowers and Garden tractors o Outdoor equipment with one or more revolving blades used to
cut grass or other plants to an even length
●Competitors o Direct: John Deere, Toro, Murray, Electrolux Home
Products o Substitute/Indirect: professional lawn care services o Budget: e.g. family vacation
Target Market
● Gen X & Younger boomers o Age 35-50 o Male o Income o Expenditure
● Do-it-yourself
● Home and family
● Brand conscious
● Tech savvy
● Time-crunched
● Research a lot
Gen X
Younger boomer
Marketing Communication
o Increase brand awareness o Cub Cadet = Top Choice o Zero-turn = Cub Cadet iSeries
The Cud Cadet iSeries is an award-winning, innovative, exceptional riding tractor that provides the best mowing experience for technology savvy, do-it-yourself consumers.
Mow With the Best
●iSeries is simply the best available!
●innovative, exceptional, technologically
●Zero-turn + tractor = Unique design
●emphasis on POP advertising
IMC Tool: Direct Mail
Brand awareness
Web traffic
Newspaper inserts
● Brand awareness
Product knowledge Zero-turn association
● Call to action
Evaluation: brand tracking, change in sales, web traffic
IMC Tool: Internet
●Online Advertisements o Search optimization o AdWords o Banner ads
●Micro-sites o Forum: o Lawn care tips:
●Demonstration Videos o Cub Cadet website o YouTube o Podcasts