Essay about Fiction and Fat Lady

Submitted By ShamarEmmens1
Words: 407
Pages: 2

Plot Diagram Name:_________________ Period:______

Directions: On the plot diagram map, label and define its parts. On the table below the plot diagram map, provide evidence from the short story.

Short Story Title: “The Elevator” Author: William Sleator

|Exposition |Rising Action |Climax |Falling Action |Resolution |
|Setting: Urban, big city |Martin is afraid of elevators; fat |Fat lady pushes the button to close |There is none in this story |There is none in this story |
|1980 – 2000 |lady makes him uncomfortable; his |elevator, smiles, and calls Martin by | | |
|Characters: Martin, fat lady, |father puts him down; he fractures his|name | | |
|Martin’s dad |leg and has to take the elevator | | | |

Directions: Find evidence from the story of each term. Then, fill in the appropriate information in each box. Make sure to include page numbers to document your evidence if necessary. Although you should fill the boxes as completely as possible, you may not have something to put in each box.

|Character |Characterization and Setting |Conflict |Motivation and Theme |Figures of Speech |Irony, Point of View, etc. |
|Protagonist |Characters |What is the major conflict in the |Define motivation. |Similes |Are there examples of irony in the |
| | |story? | | |story? |
|Martin |Martin | |Drive or push to reach a goal. | | |
| |Martin’s father |Martin is afraid of elevators and | | | |
| |The fat lady |doesn’t want to be in one with the | |Metaphors | |
| | |fat lady. | | | |
| | | | | | |
|Antagonist |Setting |How is the conflict resolved? |Motivation of the protagonist |Personification |What is the point of view of story?|
| | | | | | |
|Martin’s father |Urban, big city |We don’t know…the story has a |Trying to please his dad | |Third