Using Selective Media to Monitor the Fermentation Process of Cabbage and Cucumber, for Fourteen Days
Abstract: Introduction: The goal of the ecological succession lab is to demonstrate succession with the fermentation of cabbage and cucumbers. The cabbage will ferment into sauerkraut and the cucumber will ferment to pickles during fermentation process that will changes the species structure and the community of time. During the fermentation process we watched the pH become more acidic, since the desired bacteria would produce lactic acid. The lactic acid would control by inhibiting the spoilage of the cabbage or the cucumber. This was seen by the increase of the acidity in both of the environment, which was seen as the pH went…show more content… In addition, figure 2, had the bacterial colonies for cabbage in CFU/ml; that grew on the respective plates during the fermentation process and was similar to figure 1. The figure 3 the graph for the fermentation for 14 days of cabbage and the respective bacterial counts in CFU/ml (log 10). The graph showed an increase for the LSD [aerobic] and the WN5 [microaerophilic]. In addition, the WN5 [anaerobic], TSA [anaerobic & aerobic], all basically had a little rise and then plateaued from day 2 to 14. Also, the PS and EC [aerobic], both rose a little and declined to 1.0 *101 from day 2 to 14. The cucumber pH most likely followed the same trend of neutral 7.0 to 4.0, which was relatively acidic. Refer to figure 4 and 5 to see the population changed from day 0 to 14 for each bacterium that grew on the noted plates. The number of colonies counted on each plate can be found in figure 4(table 3) for the cucumber. Then figure 5 was the bacterial colonies for cucumber in CFU/ml; that grew on the respective plates during the fermentation process and was similar to figure 4. The figure 6 was the graph of the fermentation process for the cucumber and the respective bacterial counts in CFU/ml (log 10). The graph showed an increase for the LSD [aerobic], TSA [anaerobic & aerobic] and the WN5 [anaerobic]. In addition, the WN5 [microaerophilic], and EC [aerobic], all basically had a little rise and then declined to 1.0 *101 from day 2 to 14.