Fasting Yes Or No Essay

Submitted By pedromanata69
Words: 2226
Pages: 9

Pedro Manata
Terry Benjamin
English 101-0BC
25 November 2014
Fasting yes or no?

Food is part of human being, because it’s the body fuel, enabling us to move, be rational and survive. As a modern society we eat minimum three meals a day up to six meals, meaning food to us it’s never scarce, but abundance, anytime we desire, sizes, taste, all kind of shapes and colors. Although, our ancestors didn’t enjoy a life like we do, because back then, food wasn’t available anytime they wanted, they had to go look for it, by hunting, fishing, and climb up trees. Then, it was impossible for them to eat like we do, and so many times a day, this mean our body has ability to survive without food, and still we survived. In some religions, we even find people, depriving themselves from food in order to reach spiritual enlightenment. Avoiding food has been for long period of time known as fasting, this practice has historical registries dated thousands of years. Fasting can be define as an act of willing to deprive or reduction from food, drink, or both for a period of time (“Fasting”). Fasting can be, an absolute fast, when someone is depriving from food and any form of liquid, for a single day or several days, and this type of fasting is very extreme then should be done for a period of shorty time. Normal fast, when a person is deprived of food, water is always available and drink it plenty, also broth, or some juices made of vegetables and fruits, to keep strength. Partial fast, it’s done during certain time of the day only, only vegetables, fruit and water (Franklin). Juicing, not fasting in the truest sense of the word, a less strenuous option, and this type of fast is mainly drinking juices of vegetables and fruits all day long, and can be done for a long period of time, supporting detoxification, alkaline the body, and support the liver, helping to restore itself to heal faster, according to Don Colbert. Fasting is usually done for a period of twenty four hours, three days, seven days, or if longer is always recommended doctor supervision.
Fasting is been practiced for a thousand years throughout different religious, and the most common reason of this practice of denying food, its spiritual purpose, to be closer with god, duty as a prayer, and good health (Franklin). A good proof of this practice, and well known by religion people, comes from the bible records, Jesus fast forty days and forty nights to resist temptation by Satan. Buddhist monks and nuns practice fasting during times of intensive meditation, such as during the Middle Path retreat, to reach enlightenment and good health. Roman Catholicism practice fasting throughout Lent, only Fridays, which consist no meat and two small meals, morning and evening, both of which together should not equal a large meal, between ages of eighteen and fifty nine. The reason is to contemplate, and engage in acts of spiritual self-discipline, during Easter which celebrates the Resurrection of Christ. Eastern Orthodoxy and Greek-Orthodox, fasting is considered an important spiritual discipline, found in both the Old Testament and the New, and is tied to the principle of the synergy between the body and the soul. Another well know religion practice of fasting is the Islam, where Fasting is the fourth of the Five Pillars of Islam, involving fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. They are prohibited from eating, drinking, temper negative emotions such as anger and addiction, and engaging in sexual activities. By fasting during Ramadan they become closer to God, abandoning bodily pleasures, making them more sincerity of their faith and their devotion to God (“Fasting”).
Michael Mosley, British journalist is looking for answers, from this old idea of fasting, to stay mentally and fiscally alive and longevity (Eat, Fast). On this road trip across United States he finds out, how little hunger can turn the body into a repair stage, diet based on feast and famine has powerful effects on the body,