The two texts I am comparing and contrasting are “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” and a poem that I came across on The poem that I enjoyed listening to was a death in the family leaves a void that cannot be filled. No one can ever take the place of this individual in the world. We should not try to comfort the family by saying that "it was his time anyway", or, "he was suffering". These may be words of comfort later. However, there must be time to mourn the fact that things will never be the same. One minute he was here and now he is gone. The human mind must be allowed to sit with this reality. Mourning is a necessary part of the human experience. If it is ignored, a general feeling of sadness may pervade the whole family. There are many similarities and differences between the text from “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and the poem I found online. The similarities that I feel make up both pieces of literature is the first part of the poem I found online which is death in the family leaves a void that cannot be filled. In my opinion, that is so true because the grandmother played such a huge important role for her family. Even though it seemed at times like she was more of a bother for the rest of her family they still looked up to her knowing that she would help steer the family in the right direction through tough times. For example with the Misfit, but as we know the Misfit decided to not be a good man and to kill innocent people which was his choice. Both poems are tragic and have excitement in them, although they have a tone which has such despair and heartbreak at the end of each poem because death takes over due to the Misfit and that is the main reason that A Good Man Is Hard to Find relates so clearly to this poem I found online. The differences between both texts are at the end of the poem I found online there is a quote that truly makes me realize the difference between the text in class and the poem I found online. The quote is “the human mind must be allowed to sit with this reality. Mourning is a necessary part of the human experience.” The reason I believe this plays such a big part in the differences between the text and the poem online is because the Misfit left no time for the family to mourn because there was no one left. They were all dead and the grandmother had to listen to the gunshots of her family members being killed although she was oblivious to the fact that it was happening. The unnamed grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” considers herself morally superior to
Not all families are the same, But the family members are to blame. Some families are destructive, Others are productive, To the members within, We all just want our family to grin, But not all families can win. They are on the ledge, Of the breaking edge. From the morning when they are waking, They are faking, The one big happy family image. As the family scrimmage, Relationships are on the brink of devastation. Kids are involved in criminal conversation, And the…
The poem Acceptance Speech by Lynn Powell is about a housewife who feels undervalued by her family and by society. The title of the poem suggests that the character has received an award for achieving something brilliant, but in fact she is being sarcastic and conducting an imaginary award ceremony for herself in her kitchen, since no one else is willing to appreciate her hard work. The poet uses irony and personification of kitchen utensils and ingredients to add humour to the play. She uses the…
experiences, what you find interesting, or what occurs frequently. While reading poetry written by Paige Riehl, Louise Erdrich and James Wright there are reoccurring themes of family/home and death/loss. One topic or theme that comes up in multiple poems between all three of the authors is the subject of family or home. In the poem “I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move,” Erdrich tells a story about when she was young and witnessed a flood from her house. All she notices in a nest of herons and their…
remembrance and honoring of the dead with the family and rebirth. The poem is about the a father that plants a sequoia tree in honor of his recently deceased infant son. Gioia uses imagery in the first few stanzas to emphasize the severity of the father and his families’ grief and despair. In these sections he also reveals the setting of the poem which is Sicily and the reason he chose a sequoia tree. The very first stanza of the Gioia’s poem sets the tone for the poem, which was melancholy, with the imagery…
ability to write such influential poems has made an impact on a number of people, as each poem can be related to the ordinary living lives of Australians throughout the years. Bruce Dawe's poems are interesting because they comment on the lives of ordinary people. This statement is agreed on. In relation to the statement, three key poems can be linked being Enter Without So Much as Knocking (1959), Homo Suburbiensis (1964) and Drifters (1968). In the first poem mentioned: Enter Without So Much…
2014 Mr. Furrey 9th Grade English Essay Introduction: In the short story “The Sniper,” the poem “Thoughts of Hanoi” and the print media “Patriotic Women of Philadelphia,” each piece expresses that war tears families apart. In “The Sniper,” a family is torn apart when a sniper kills another enemy sniper only to find out that the enemy sniper was his brother. In “Thoughts of Hanoi,” a family is torn apart after ten years of war and one; brother’s fear is that he is about to face his brother…
apparent throughout the poem, "from Snowbound." This poem was mainly about the family relationships and the interaction with nature during a snowstorm. The snowstorm allowed peace and quietness around the farm. It also allowed for the family to slow their daily activities and appreciate their time together as a family unit. This is an often occurring theme in all of Whittier's works. While completing this project, I learned a lot about family relations and the way a family unit normally works. At…
Skrzynecki’s Poems Migrant Hostel and feliks Skrynecki and a related text of Little Miss Sunshine directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. Peter Skryznecki and his family immigrated to Australia from warn torn Europe in 1949. Peter’s experience of belonging as an immigrant growing up in a strange western society is explained in his collection of Poems the ‘Immigrant chronicles’, this collection of poems is the recounts and emotions in which he felt. ‘Migrant Hostel’ is a poem about the midway…
any outside/secondary sources. (But, if for whatever reason an outside source IS used, you must properly cite that source in the body of the paper AND provide a correct list of Works Cited.) 5. You do need to use brief, relevant quotes from the poems to support your points. 6. Avoid using first person “I” and second person “you.” (You may use first person plural “we” to refer to the audience or the readers.) 7. Since this is the first paper and no secondary sources are to be used (and since…
Anthony Colavito 1-4-13 In the poem by Langston Hughes and in the book Raisin In The Sun the book got its name from a line in the book. The book Raisin In The Sun is based on the poem the lines symbolizes Walter Lees dreams in the book. In the poem by Langston Hughes the lines in the poem do symbolizes Walter Lee in the book Raisin In The sun. In the poem line one says “what happens to a dream deferred does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?” that line symbolizes Walters lees…