Weak/Fallacy : IPhone is a phone like Samsung galaxy s3. Galaxy s3 has android, therefore iPhone has android.
Ambiguity (Equivocation): Using a term in multiple meanings are used in one argument. Ex: A feather is light. Light is not dark and so a feather is not dark.
Red Herring: Distracts the arguer by introducing a new topic.
Sweeping generalizations: Applying a general rule to a statement where some parts do not apply. Ex: Children should be seen and not heard. Since little Wolfgang Amadeus is a child, he shouldn’t be heard.
Hasty generalizations: Drawing a rule from a single case. Ex: My atheist neighbor is a grouch so all atheists are grouches.
False Dilemma: When someone is asked to choose from two arguments and there is more options available. Ex: The universe was made by the creator or from nothing. It cannot be made from nothing therefore it was made by the creator.
Begging the question:
Bandwagon/Appeal to Popularity: An argument that uses an idea’s growing popularity as proof that it is true. Ex: The growing popularity of eastern religions does not mean they are true.
Appeal to Force: Uses threats to further an argument. Ex: You better believe.
Appeal to Pity: Uses emotion to argue instead of evidence. Ex: Pro-life using pictures of aborted foetuses to disgust people and turn them against abortion.
Appeal to novelty: Uses the novelty of an idea to prove that it is true.
Arguing that a person of higher authority says something