My Faith Journey All of my life I have been a Christian, a Lutheran to be exact. My mom was born and raised Lutheran while my dad was born and raised Methodist, but he later became agnostic, which was against my grandparents’ wishes. I have always had a faith, and I hope I always will. Right now I am getting ready to be confirmed as a Catholic in the next few months. I was a baby when I was baptized so I did not truly understand my faith until I was in about 4th or 5th grade when I started learning more about the Lutheran faith. My mom and I always went to church, at least most Sundays. I would go to Sunday school but I did not quite understand God like I do now. Once I got in 4th or 5th grade, I did my first communion. To prepare us for our first communion at church, we had to go through a six-week course every Sunday teaching us about Moses and the Passover and about the bread and the wine that Jesus blessed for all of his followers to take to remember him. At that age I was still not mature enough to understand what Jesus suffered through for me. In 6th grade I started my three yearlong confirmation. This occurred every Wednesday night. We would have a bible study and discuss the bible verse with our big group of people with our leader was Harold. He was my youth leader all my major teenage years (6th until I graduated from high school). After we did this big group, we would split up by gender and grade. In my group, we discussed our life at school and God in our life at that time. My 9th grade year, in October, I got confirmed. Throughout my high school years I went on multiple mission trips. Three years, over the summer, I went to a bad part of Dallas with my church, where I worked with inner city youth at a local YMCA. I also worked in a bad area of Chicago and areas of New Orleans that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina. I met many young children there who fall asleep to the sound of gunshots, their parents fighting, or even abuse. From this I struggled a lot with why God lets certain things happen to these innocent people. I still do not really understand why, but I do know and understand that through my 18 years of experience, God is there through the hardest of times. Although I did go on mission trips, I had a point in my life where I was in a depressed state. I never blamed God once, which makes no sense to me right now because it was one of the lowest points in my life. Mission trips made me realize that God blesses everyone so much and that even though I have low times in my life, life is worth living. Seeing the children on mission trips that had so