Introduction Objective measurement is a scientific way to get a good understand about some basic properties of fabric. In this lab, FAST system can provide the accurate measurement to show compression, extension, bending and stability of fabric. The aim of this test is to predict how a fabric will perform when made up into a garment. For fabric manufactures,finishers and garment manufacturers, they can use the results of this test as a basis to do fabric specification, product and process development, quality assurance and process control(Giorgio M. Pier, 1995).
Experimental 2.1 Test Methodology
The F.A.S.T system, which was developed by the Australian International Wool Bureau, consists of three…show more content… Warp: Table V (Figure 29-40) Sample ID A B C Average(mm) E5 (Figure29-32) 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.67 E20 (Figure33-36) 1.7 2.0 1.9 1.87 E100 (Figure37-40) 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.60
Warp Formability (F1): F1=0.45 m㎡ Weft: Table VI (Figure 41-52) Sample ID A B C Average(%) E5 (Figure41-44) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.40 E20 (Figure45-48) 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.87 E100 (Figure48-52) 5.7 6.0 6.0 5.87
Weft Formability (F2): F2=0.50 m㎡ Bias: Table VII (Figure 53-56) Simple ID G H I Average(%) EB5 (Figure 53-56) 4.2 5.1 4.8 4.7
Shear Rigidity (G): G=26.17 (N/m)
Discussion of Results & Conclusions After sorting and analyzing the FAST data, ten of them can be shown on the siroFAST CONTROL CHART FOR TAILORABILITY to assess their properties (as shown on the next page). The fingerprint of E100-1,B2 and G are in the shaded zones which means some potential problems influenced by that property is indicated. The data of F-1 and F-2 which was calculated from FAST-2 shows the good formability of both warp yarn and weft yarn, so that they will not form puckered seams either during or after sewing. Comparing with E100-1 and E100-2, it is easily to find that weft yarn of wood has a lower extensibility than warp yarn. It means warp sample can move around during cutting, but it also causes problem with sizing, pattern matching at the sewing stage, because E100-1 falls into the danger range. As it was said by Jedda, “