Charlotte Cadman 23/4/15
Unit EYMP4 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4
The understanding that every individual is unique and we should be able to recognise this and ensure we show respect to everyone, their feeling and beliefs. Every individual has qualities and these should be celebrating rather than discriminated against in relation to their race, gender, ethnicity,sexual orientation,socio-economic status,age,physical ability religious or political beliefs.
Ensuring all individuals are able to take part and have the same opportunities as everyone else. This can also include removing any possible barriers to an individual being able to take part in something by making adaptations or doing more in depth risk assessments to establish how you can involve them. Allowing everyone to have equal access and opportunity.
Ensuring everyone plays an equal part and has the opportunity to make decisions and have an equal part in a team by having any kind of active role.
It is very important to show anti-discriminatory and anti-biased practice because it is crucial that all individuals are given equal opportunities to succeed and achieve their potential.All practitioners must be respectful of all individuals, their culture and beliefs.
As practitioner within our setting I work as part of a very successful team we are all positive role models and ensure we show the high standard of behaviour and by us showing the respectful and inclusive practice the children will hopefully imitate our behaviour and show respect toe everyone else who comes into the setting.
Our local community has a wide range of people from a different ethnic background we are very welcoming and ensure they are made to feel safe and secure within our setting, our staff work hard to communicate and reassure them straight away. We encourage all children to bring items they have at home which they would like to share with everyone else within their class and al the children seem to really enjoy this, and as staff it gives us an insight into each child's interests. We have various welcome signs displayed around the setting in many different languages. We make a big thing about various festivals and