Heather Carleton
Professor Voorhis
English 40 B
May 10, 2015
The Godfather Part II American events as they occur tend to spark literature themes and ideas that correlate with the current events of that time. The Godfather Part II was a sequel of The Godfather made by Francis Ford Coppola in 1974. During the seventies many historic events has taken place and a few of they translated to the big screen in The Godfather Part II, in which the comparison of President Richard Nixon and his brush with impeachment trial from the Watergate scandal, are reflected with Michael Corleone just escaping his own indictment on his federal trial. Nixon also escapes indictment and is not impeached, due to the fact that Nixon resigned before the impeachment proceeding ever were able to come to fruition. Both the movie and the impeachment trial took place in the year 1974. The start of the impeachment hearings began in May of that year. The release of The Godfather Part II happened at the end of that same year. Michael Corleone began to realize that attempts on his life were being made from his nemisis Roth. In 1974 a man named Samuel Byck also made a brief attempt on Nixon’s life when he hijacked an airliner and wished to fly it into the White House with the hope of killing Nixon. Both Nixon and Michael Corleone had two very similar events happen. The movie is based on corruption and how it is exposed, and Nixon was also found guilty of criminal activity in the Watergate scandal and