Exportation of Live Animals Essay

Submitted By genachua
Words: 1519
Pages: 7

As society progresses, the ties between suburban life and life in the agriculture industry become less prominent to those who have not been in their position and because of this, people’s perspective and idea of what is morally and ethically right change. Practices that were common and widely accepted are now rebuked and looked down upon. Actions that were once performed out of a necessity to survive are now frowned upon in our progressive and post-modern society and that is because there is no longer a reason/excuse for animals to suffer.
Animals being treated really badly in the other countries and it shouldn’t be allowed to happen. An article published in The Canberra Times on November 11, 2012, noted that dozens of ships have left Australia in recent years with animals that would suffer unacceptably high rate of traumatic death on board.
This is a description of one of the ways of how Indonesia slaughters our cattle, this information is taken from the RSPCA website: Once in the box, the restraint process using the Mark 1 box consisted of three stages. The first stage began with the closure of the guillotine door behind the animal. During this stage one or two workers attempted to loop a rope around the near front and rear legs of the animal (Figure 4). These ropes were then tightened to cleats on the far side of the box.
The second stage began when the door of the Mark 1 box was opened. In response to the sudden exposure and contrast to the confines of the box, the animals attempted to move, but due to the restriction of the leg ropes they instead tripped over on their sides onto the sloping concrete slab (Figure 5). There was a high risk of injury to the animal’s head from hitting the metal bar or edge of the drain during these attempts to rise.
The third stage began when the head was held in place for the throat cut: in some cases this was done manually with two or more workers; in others a rope was tied around the head of the animal and then around the muzzle. The slaughter consisted of several cuts to the throat, followed by a period of bleeding out which was prolonged in many cases. A number of animals were interfered with (hosed or cut) while still showing signs of consciousness: in most cases no action was taken by the workers to check that the animal had died before further processing commenced.
Now, imagine yourself as one of the cows in the cattle. Walking into the box, you are clueless to what is happening. Once in the box, a door with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves, that is used for beheading people shuts behind you, one or two men are tying a rope so tight that you will form bruises on your front and rear legs. The doors are open again, you attempt to move to get out but instead you trip over on your side onto the hard concrete. You try again, you fall again but this time, hitting your head against the metal bar. No one is there to help you. No one is there to save you. While looking desperately around for someone to take action to prevent further torturing, a rope is suddenly tied around your head then around your nose and mouth. You receive the first cut on your throat, didn’t seem to hurt as much as you thought it would, then you feel another cut, yet another and another again, all you can see is the blood pouring onto the concrete, now you feel death approaching but not yet. You are now left there alone, afraid, in agonizing pain, you have lost all hope of surviving, you bleed out.

According to statistics from the RSPCA website, Australia has exported a total of 6.4 million cattle to Indonesia over the past 20 years. In 2010, 60% of live cattle exports (521,002 cattle) went to Indonesia: these cattle are sourced from properties in northern Australia and are not used to human handling. Rope casting, where cattle are forcibly tripped onto their sides, followed by slaughter using multiple throat cuts while animals are fully conscious, are all normal practice in Indonesia. Evidence