Essay on Explain the Role of Effective Communication and Interpersonal Interaction in a Health and Social Care Setting. Skilled Communication Plays a Huge Role in Health and Social Care Such as Psychotherapy, Counselling, Medical and Health Care
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Pages: 5
Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care setting. Skilled communication plays a huge role in health and social care such as psychotherapy, counselling, medical and health care. Effective communication and interaction play an important role in the work of all health and social care professionals. For example, care professionals need to be able to use a range of communication and interaction skills in order to work inclusively with people of different ages and diverse backgrounds (1). According to Koprowska research shows experiences of service users using the service within these settings indicate that skilled communication for PR actioners has enabled them to build a working The care worker is a care home can use particular method to communicate with, such as, if the user has speech difficulty, the care worker can use Makaton or PECS (picture exchange communication system) as it will help the service user to clarify what they want without having any difficulty. The communication skills needed by people who are working in a health and social care environment are: listening skills, knowing how to ask questions, using non-verbal messages to communicate, understanding non-verbal messages. In some cases the care worker may need use sign language to communicate with a service user which deaf also braile can be used for blind service users. Non verbal communication must be used; body language is a part of non verbal communication such as eye contact. When a service provider and a service user are interacting eye contact is essential as it shows that the service provider is interested and is concerned with the service users needs.
In the health and social care fields professionals can often misuse their power when making decisions for service users without fully engaging with them. This clearly creates a power imbalance which makes the service user feel oppressed. Another crucial aspect of effective communication is to avoid offensive and discriminatory language, for example, a practioner treating a service user