Executive Compensation (Introduction)
A compensation package is usually design to motivate the executive performance in accordance to the risk tolerance and the company objective of a firm. Hence, an executive compensation is known to be an important role where the CEO of the firm oversees how the company is operating. At certain times as the CEO of the company does not share the same information, agency problem could arise due to this. An agency problem arises when there is a separation of ownership and control in the company. A shareholder usually provides the executive compensation in order for the CEO of the company to take action in accordance to the shareholders interest.
A number of studies have been taken in relationship to the CEO performance and the company performance. Therefore there is a close relationship between the compensation function and the CEO performance. A number of determinants on the compensation of the pay such as CEO characteristics, compensation package features, and firm characteristic would be discussed within the literature review. The determinants of the CEO compensation could be characterized in accordance to the CEO’s age, tenure, title and ownership. In addition to that, the compensation package features could be further broken down to the supplementary retirement plan and the termination benefits agreement. Hence, as the compensation is closely related to each other, the firm characteristic would be closely linked to the size, growth opportunities and the risk of the company.
Executive compensation packages could be further divided into mix of short term incentives, long term incentives and guarantee. Under mix of short term incentives would include salary, annual bonuses, benefits and perquisites. The long term incentives would include the relationship to of the stock option and restricted shares in relation to the performance of the company. Lastly the guarantees under the executive compensation would include the severance agreement, change in control provision and last but not least the pension package.
Recent studies have also shown that there is a trend in Australia executive compensation. These trends in Australia executive compensation is based on salary, annual bonus, LTIPs, and EPS growth and relative shareholder return growth. Furthermore, the literature review would contain simultaneous equation model, which will discuss on regression and pay for performance. Pay-for-performance equation is used to measure the revenue growth of the firm, total shareholder return, return on assets, return on equity, and optimal incentive. Lastly in this literature review, ethical issues which are concern with executive compensation are going to be discussed as well. Ethical issue such as incentive compensation and manipulation in accordance to the financial crisis, excessive payment and
Impact of Executive Compensation on the Financial Crisis and Efforts to Restrain Executive Bonuses Although exorbitant executive bonuses are not solely to blame for the far-reaching effects of the 2008 global financial crisis, there is sufficient evidence that opulent bonuses indeed contributed to and even exacerbated the crisis. First, changes to the tax code during the 1980s to 1990s, in an attempt to curtail excessive bonuses, actually contributed to exponential growth in CEO pay witnessed…
Executive Compensation United States compared with selected European Countries Executive compensation is not only highly debated within the United States, however. It has drawn attention worldwide but the lack of international pay data has left many researchers with the United States as the most suitable testing ground for agency theory (Conyon & Schwalbach 1999). Generally studies conducted in one country alone due not yield strong empirical data because of the uniformity of institutional…
XXX Ltd. Executive Compensation Plan Prepared by: Remuneration Committee Introduction Executive compensation plan is referred to the contract between a company and its management executives that aims to encourage and motivate the executives for the achievement of the company’s visions and objectives (Hassen, 2014). The existence of executive compensation plan arises from the conflict of interests between principal and agent. Principal who is aka as shareholders do not involve in the…
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|compensation arrangement that provides special severance benefits to executives if the| | |corporation changes ownership and covered executives are terminated | |If company is target for acquisition, |executives expect parachute-type compensation arrangements for self-protection | |Within limits, such agreements are |an acceptable compensation practice…
to say Compensation Committee is one of the most significant, and, yet, controversial aspect of corporate governance issue. Just as the corporate governance evolves more deeply with the society, compensation committee has evolved in such way that it became highly focused issue of a company, thus highlighting many of its critical best practices. In general, the key aspect and best practices of compensation committee includes oversight and alignments in businesses operation and compensation. Such…
Understanding the Compensation of Nonprofit Executive Directors Examining the Influence of Performance and Organizational Characteristics Nathan Grasse,1 Trenton Davis,2 Douglas Ihrke3 1 Central Michigan University, 2Georgia Southern University, 3 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee In this study we aimed to provide a better understanding of executive compensation in nonprofit organizations. We examined factors including organizational size, market, subsector, organizational type, staffing level…
2013 IT Salary Survey: Executives: Executive compensation is a contentious topic in IT, but as it turns out, having their opinions valued, helping set company strategy and doing challenging work are what really matter to executives. 2013 IT Salary Survey: Insurance: Salaries are up slightly —1.6% for staff and 2.4% for managers — while job security appears strong and satisfaction levels are high, with 66% of staff and 73% of managers saying they’re satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs…
Chapter 10 Compensation: An Overview 1) Should the federal government place a ceiling on CEO compensation? Why or why not? Yes and no. While figures show that compensation for CEO’s in this country are staggeringly higher than any other country every company should have the ability to pay their CEO what they feel they are worth and what the company can afford. Here is where the no comes into play; if you are on the verge of bankruptcy or are showing negative profits than you should probably…