Exam 1 Essay

Submitted By Vuakhobo
Words: 520
Pages: 3

Contour: The overall shape of a melodic line. It can move upward or downward or remain static.
Conjunct: Smooth, connected melody that moves principally by small intervals
Disjunct: Disjointed or disconnected melody with many leaps.
Interval: The distance and relationship between 2 pitches
Beat: Regular pulsation; a basic unit of length in musical time.
Meter: Organization of rhythm in time; the grouping of beats into larger, regular patterns, notated s measures
Syncopation: Deliberate upsetting of the meter or pulse through a temporary shifting of the accent to a weak beat or an offbeat.
Chord: Simultaneous combination of three or more pitches that constitute a single block of harmony
Scale: Series of pitches in ascending or descending order, comprising the notes of a key.
Octave: Interval between 2 notes 8 diatonic pitches apart; the lower note vibrates half as fast as the upper and sounds an octave lower.
Tonality: Principle of organization around a tonic, or home, pitch, based on a major or minor scale.
Tonic: The first note of scale, or key; do
Dissonance: Combination of tones that sounds discordant and unstable, in need of resolution
Consonance: Concordant or harmonious combination of pitches that provides a sense of relaxations and stability in music
Texture: The interweaving of melodic (horizontal) and harmonic (vertical) elements in the musical fabric.
Monophony: a single voice
Homophony: a single voice takes over the melodic interest, while the accompanying lines are subordinate.
Polyphony: a texture in which 2 or more different melodic lines are combined, the distributing melodic interest among all the parts.
Improvisation: something that is improvised, especially a piece of music, drama, etc., created without preparation.
Theme: Melodic idea used as a basic building block in the construction of a piece.
Binary Form: Two part (A-B) form with each section normally repeated.
Ternary Form: Three part (A-B-A) form based on a statement (A), contrast (B), and repetition (A).
Movement: Complete, self-contained part within a larger musical work.
Tempo: The rate of speed or pace of music
Piano: Soft
Forte: Loud
Crescendo: Growing louder
Decrescendo: Growing softer
Chorus: Fairly large group of