Essay on Evolution of Health Care Systems

Words: 1145
Pages: 5


Evolution of Health Care Information Systems
Vicki Tate
HCS 533 Health Information Systems
Group# MHAA119AC8
University of Phoenix
Renee Gorby
January 7, 2011

Health Care Information Systems Health care Information systems have become more prevalent in our current Health Care system than it was twenty years ago. The computer was not used to the extent it is today in regards to patient care, documentation, billing, education, and etc. This paper will go into more detail regarding the comparisons and contrasts of the use of Health Care Information systems in a contemporary physician office versus a physician office twenty years ago. Technological advantages and

Penalties and repercussions for misuse of this information are in place to increase protection and deter fraudulent acts. Therefore, HIPAA has brought about the need for increased information system security protection, as well as, provided more accessibility to patient information.
The second major event that influenced Current HCIS practices is the changes in physician reimbursement focusing on disease management and prevention under the managed care model in the 1990s and the pay for performance model in the present day. During the 1990s physician offices were reimbursed a fixed amount per patient regardless of outcomes with little financial incentive. Computers were used for billing purposes and preventative health reminders. According to the authors, computerized reminders and decision support interventions directed at changing physician behavior have had only a limited and variable effect on clinical outcomes (Lester, Zai, Grant, & Chueh, 2008). Computers have become utilized more in physician offices today with the use of Electronic Medical Records. Physicians are now being reimbursed on a pay for performance system which hold physicians accountable for the care that is provided (Schoen, Osborn, Phuong Trang, Doty, Peugh, & Zapert, 2006, pg. 565). These systems provide collaboration between providers and access to patient information outside of the physician’s office. These events helped to shape our current HCIS practices, as