Eugenics Response Essay

Submitted By angdej
Words: 653
Pages: 3

The first section, chapter IV, was about the ways for less feeble-minded people to repopulate and have more feeble-minded people living in society. It talked about how much of a nuisance those types of people are and why it would be better to have less of them in our population. In chapter V, goes to explain how charity is actually more harmful than the success that comes with it. Mainly, because by having those successes, charities are letting it be okay that there are more delinquents and other dependents. This chapter also talks about which type of woman are unfit to have children and why charity is more of a burden and that as humans we can’t act as a higher god and try to save everyone. Chapter VIII discusses what Eugenics is and how it tries to fix the problem, but it cannot be dealt with unless the biological and hereditary aspects are dealt with (which at the very least is the issue). This section also talks about the creation of turning Eugenics into a religion wouldn’t be the best idea, but to keep the practice of Eugenics so it helps weed out the unfit people. Chapter VIII also talks about why birth control is good in the eye of someone who supports Eugenics and the “weeding out” of unfit people. Chapter X is about how it ultimately comes down to whether or not the woman wants to have children or not. This section also explains the role that sex has and how humans have the power to control those desires. Chapter X also talks about the difference between those who actually want kids and treat and provide for their kids in a way different from those who don’t want children, then this section and reading ends with this person’s view of how birth control is beneficial for the cure of weeding out the unfit. This read was confusing to me at times, not only for the large words it used frequently, but the topics and viewpoints discussed. It seems as if it was thought out, but all I got from this was a very judgmental person and a lot of contradictions. For example, at one point in the article it brought up who can judge a person to be unfit of fit and the answer was someone who is seen as “fit.” Thought how does anyone know what fit is, everyone is filled with their own bias’ and no one is perfect. When the definition of Eugenics was brought up, at that