Ethical Issues and Management Paper-- Performance evaluations
University Of Phoenix
X mg /216-organizational ethics and social responsibility
Instructor William Minnick Instructor:
Ethical Issues and Management Paper- - Performance evaluations
Performance evaluation is a tool that measure performance of employees, the performance evaluation help the supervisor and the employee to discuss how well the employee is doing in the job. The performance evaluation help the company to see where the employee needs training and how to develop a plan to grow in the company. Evaluation helps the company to identify the abilities of employees to promote and transfer to other positions in the company. The purpose of the evaluation is to open communication about the expectations. Some employees want feedback from the company so they can know what expectations of their job. Employees also want feedback that is not jeopardize their job.
The performance evaluations should be based on how well an employee know to do his or her job. The employee performance should be evaluate on the quality of one’s work .The employee should be evaluate on how much of quantity of the work one is doing, if the employee is meeting the expectations of how much of the product or services or been meet for the company. How well the employee can work with the company or with other workers. Last how well the employee can follow written and oral communications without management.
When giving employee feedback on the evaluation one need to put the employee at ease before beginning the evaluation. The manger want to start off in the meeting letting the employee know the purpose of the meeting. Go through the evaluation step by step be specific with the evaluation were the employee can understand the feedback of the evaluation. Discuss area of improvement with the employee for the next performance evaluation .Discuss with the employee if he or she have any disagreement with the evaluation or ask what the company can do to help the employee to achieve in the company. Put a plain together to help the employee to approve their performance if below expectations.
Many managers and employees do not like performance evaluations but are necessary for a company. The evaluations are a necessary to let an employee know one's progress in the company or if they need to approve their performance in the company. Companies want their employee to advance in the company but if an employee is not advancing in the company one will have a negative evaluation. An employee has the right to contest the performance evaluation if that employee does not feel the evaluation be acute. Giving feedback on a performance may help the employees of an idea how well one is doing in the company. Some managers give evaluations by looking at other employees in the same job. Managers should not evaluate all employees on the same level because some employees
Ethical Issues and Management Paper- Performance evaluations might be older or have not been at the job for a long time. When managers write an evaluation, it becomes a challenge, as a manager employees have to