Answer the following questions in 50 to 150 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use.
What is gender? What is sex in biological terms? Are gender and sex the same thing? Explain why or why not? Gender is the role one is supposed to play, for example, a man is supposed to be “manly” and fix things while a woman is supposed to be at the salon getting her nails done. Sex is who we are as people, male or female. Gender and sex are two completely different things; gender is socialized and sex is biologically determined. (Department of Health)
How do gender and sex contribute to the concepts and constructions of masculinity and femininity? Society naturally thinks that women should be feminine and men should be masculine, this is how we were raised to think. The man is supposed to be the caretaker while the woman is the homemaker. Growing up I heard this so much that I believed it, well it is all wrong. Men can be feminine and women can be masculine. Woman should be able to do for their self without a man while a man should be able to do what a woman can do. With that being said, men and women are equal and should be able to do things equally. (Gender identity and its implications for the concepts of masculinity and femininity.)
Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity? Absolutely, we believe men should be tough. Like I said in my previous answer, men are to be the caretakers, but what if the caretaker because unable to care for the homemaker and they need to switch roles? Well being that this is the 21st century that can happen. With women, society believes we, as women, are all emotional . Men can be emotional also and women can be tough. (Gender identity and its implications for the concepts of masculinity and femininity.)
Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to our understanding of sexual orientation? Explain. Sexual orientation is who one wants to be with, rather they are gay or straight. I really do not think our concepts contribute to our understanding of sexual orientation because who you are is your gender it is who you want to be or how you act. Your sex is male or female. I am not sure how