Answer the following questions in 100 to 250 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use.
Throughout most of U.S. history, in most locations, what race has been in the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group?
Throughout most of history, the majority race has been white people, or people of white backgrounds. Since we have first arrived in this country, white people have been the majority leader for the races. For hundreds of years this has been the case, until now. It seems that the majority is dwindling and starting to even out between everyone. White people are no longer considered the dominate race in the United States anymore. The most common background for white people is migrating from England. Although most of then have come from England, they all have different mixes of ancestrial backgrounds.
What are some of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history? What have been the common ancestral backgrounds of each of these groups? When did each become a significant or notable minority group?
African Americans are still one of the largest minority groups in the United States. This is due to the fact that since the governent considers hispanics to be ethic, they can technically be considered to be black, and vice versa. The most common acestrial background for African Americans is coming from some part of Africa. They were first a notible minority when they first were captured and brought over to the states as slaves. Although they were not considered to be equal of white people or thought to be on the same level. They became more notible in the nineteen fifties when they started marching for their rights, or conducting sit ins.
In what ways have laws been used to enforce discrimination? Provide examples. These laws were intended against which racial minorities?
Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation because of race, color, religion, or national origin. Places of public accommodation are hotels, motels, restaurants, movie