Essay On Hostile Work Environment

Words: 1038
Pages: 5
A Hostile Work Environment Is Bad for Business – Why Do You Need to Have Effective Measures in Place?
Would you want to work at some place that has a hostile work environment?
Do you think that people can flourish in a hostile work environment or does it actually bar growth, career wise?
If you have ever experienced hostility at your workplace, then you must be aware of how does it feel to work there and spend the usual 9-5 duration. While people might have different definitions that define workplace hostility, it generally means experiencing unfriendliness, aggressiveness, or being confronted or pointed out negatively on your every move in the workplace.
In other words, a hostile work environment may be described in different contexts by employees which they deem to be hostile, including:
1. Regarding the superior as the bad boss
2. Rudeness shown by co-workers

Extreme measures may also be taken by employees facing workplace harassment, and file lawsuits against the company which will result in costly fines and ultimately, will look bad for business.
Now that you have understood what does a hostile work environment mean and what situations or circumstances qualify as a hostile work environment, the next step is to implement measures to stop your workplace environment from being hostile.
Dealing with a hostile work environment can be difficult until you take an active approach to ending the problem. Here are some of the reasons why:
• Not taking action against the person being hostile may lead to a negative work environment and a vengeful atmosphere.
• Leaving the problem for too long may lead it to spiral out of control, which may result in a lawsuit being filed against your company.
• Lawsuits that gain attention outside the business may attract bad publicity and lead to an uncertain