Essay 3

Submitted By kaybud77
Words: 1126
Pages: 5

Kathy King
English 101
Liberty University
December 17, 2014

Claim: Thesis statement : In this regard, it is acceptable then that the earthly habitat did not take place accidentally, but rather, it should be valued highly and then be preserved.
Support: God created human kind to keep and work the earth.
Warrant: God created person in his image and created a world for us to live in.
Backing: Christians should understand a true significance of the world, so that they can use that understanding to protect and preserve the environment which is stated in his word.
Qualifier: As Christians it is important to know and live by the word of the Bible that God has provided each human with.
Rebuttal: Some humans do not believe that the environment is our job to proctect, but God has placed us here to take pride in what he has created. Specific actions that Christian take regarding the preservation of environment

For Christians to please God, all that God commands should be followed despite the difficulties that might arise in following them. This is true, since God gave out instructions, and no one will ever ignore or look down upon them, if he or she wants to be on a considerable side with the creator. One of the instructions that God gave human kind is to take care of the environment. In other words, the earth was created “to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45: 18, GNB). The above scripture argues that God made the earth as a place for people to live in. The same bible argues that, God created human kind to keep and work the earth (Genesis 2:15, GNB). The above specifications from the bible, permits Christians to ensure the earth is protected, and since it is instructions and commands from the Lord, and that Christians are serving God, there is no way they can omit the above command, and therefore, they are left with no option, other than subduing and preserving the environment as commanded. In this regard, it is acceptable then that the earthly habitat did not take place accidentally, but rather, it should be valued highly and then be preserved.
As Christians we should put the environment high on our piortiy list. The Bible tells us that God created the world we live in and we should take care of it as it is our very own home. As a child of God we are given all the tools to live as God has created us to do. God created this beautiful place for us to live and it should be taking care of and not destored. It should be seen as a everyday duty, for we was created to preserve what God has given us. It was not by chance or accident that each individual was place on this very earth that was created by our lord and savior.
It is unfortunate to note that, due to the interaction caused by human beings on the environment, a crisis has emerged. This crisis is then expected to be controlled so that, the purpose of God creating human being can be achieved. In this regard, Christians should understand a true significance of the world, so that they can use that understanding to protect and preserve the environment. Undersatnding the making of our life and the creation helps us as individiuls to help keep the enivorment a Godly place to live. One thing that Christians should agree on is that, Christ is a creator. This is according to the Good News Bible (John 1: 1-3) Having the agreement that God is the creator helps us be grounded in our faith and allows us to have a stronger will in taking pride in the environment around us.. This book affirms that Jesus is the Lord of creation. To add on Bredin at el (2010) acknowledges that Jesus renders the earth’s environment very precious despite its fallen condition. The angel’s message in Revelation 14:7 addresses a very important point on the significance of environment, argues McDonald. This is a true revelation that Christians, as God’s chosen race, has a burden to carry. They are expected to ensure the earth’s environment is well tamed for the sake of their creator (McDonald 256).
As Christians