Understand employment and rights in health, social care or children’s and young peoples settings.
Three ways to update a staff handbook to reflect current employment law could be to look through the current handbook policy in your setting, look on the direct gov website which has an up to date employment law or you could contact citizens advice.
Three aspects covered by employment law:
Health and safety
Contract of employment
Data protection
Three main features of current employment legislation:
Health and safety
Employment rights
Equality and discrimination
Employment law exists to protect both the employer and the employee, to ensure that both have fair and equal rights, if employment law didn’t exist, you could be sacked at anytime, face bullying and discrimination etc, and the national minimum wage wouldn’t exist.
Task b: your work role
My contract of employment sets out what is expected of me as an employee. It is a binding contract. It states hours, pay, holidays etc. It also includes information and requirements for Health and Safety, Confidentiality, CRB is also needed.
Information that needs to be shown on a payslip includes your employee number/code, your full name and address, it include your tax and nation insurance contributions, along with your tax code and national insurance number, it also states the hours you have worked and what you have been paid for that period of time (monthly/weekly etc) with your net and gross pay, its also gives you a year to date of all your details and contributions.
Two changes that must be reported to your employer can include name and address changes.
Making a grievance In the workplace (as stated in my personal contract)
Step 1: If a member of staff is unhappy they must first send a written explanation of their grievance to the manager, stating the basis of the complaint, the manager will then investigate, if the manager can resolve the situation to the complainant satisfaction then no further action will be taken, if the matter cannot be resolved the grievance will move to step 2
Step 2: The manager must invite the complainant and the accused staff member for a meeting, after the meeting the manger must inform both members of staff of their decision and offer them the right to appeal
Step 3: If either the complainant or accused wish to appeal the management decision, the manager must invite them for a second meeting and discuss the appeal, the manager must notify both parties of their decision after the meeting.
The agreed ways of working with my employer in relation to the following areas are:
Data Protection: Any personal inforamtion will not be repeated or passed on unless to an authorised person i.e. Next of kin, Laptops, Filing cabinet should be kept locked and protected and all personal information should be shredded if discarding.
Grievance: Both you and your employer should agree on the correct procedure to follow if you need to raise a grievance.
Conflict Management: Your employer puts formal procedures in place to help all employees to get on. You should discuss issues privately and always choose your words carefully.
Anti-discriminatory practice: Sign documents to say that you agree to these policies and procedures.