Eric: Jesus and Mr. Strauss Essay examples

Submitted By sfcericgallman
Words: 703
Pages: 3

A Critique of “Why God Became Man”
Lehman Strauss authored the article “Why God Became Man”. Mr. Strauss was a professor of Old Testament history for eight years at the Philadelphia Bible Institute, and served as pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, Bristol, Pennsylvania, and Highland Park Baptist Church. He left the latter church in 1963 to devote full time to an itinerant Bible conference and evangelistic ministry. From the aforementioned article Mr. Strauss seems to be a well-educated man of the Bible and theology since he was allowed to instruct it at the collegiate level. I found his article Why God Became Man to be in line with my own views about Christ, his birth, his life and his death upon the cross. Mr. Strauss’s article may find some argument from others because he simply uses the Bible and the Quran as his only resource for his argument that Christ the son of God. Unfortunately I do not know what other reference would be better suited than the Bible, but those who are non-believers in Christ may not be moved from their belief after reading this article. I am a follower of Christ so this article speaks to me in way that I do not have to understand but that I just trust in. The atheists of the world may argue that a book written four thousand years ago, by the imperfect man, holds no weight in the scientific world of today. I would argue that you just have to simply believe. As I said earlier I am in agreement that we were all born in sin debt to God. He created us in his image; we failed him and fell in to a sinful existence. God gave us ways to redeem ourselves but we continued to fail and stray away from our Lord. God then sent Jesus to bridge the gap with the virgin birth so Jesus would not inherit the sin nature all man has. Mr. Strauss explains this well with his use of the Old Testament books of Genesis, and Exodus, and Isaiah to show Christ was always there in God plan. That to me adds value to the New Testament Gospels and the work done by the apostle s after Jesus’s death and ascension. While the topic of why God became man can be argued for eternity; Mr. Strauss gave us specific reasons to support the choices of Christ and what his human life meant to the human race. Upon reading the article, I am reaffirmed in my belief in Christ the man and the son of God.

Personal Summary:
My savior is absolutely